Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Myth of the Birth of the Zero

Psychologists, Sociologists, Anthropologists and Political Scientists that need a Ph.D. to "get to" 7th Grader Awareness, stalwart that trump "Can't empathize with Common Human Suffering."  They never get to the WHY of it, as if his Origin of Seething is, somehow, insignificant, with regard to his ability to Cruel.  I have seasoned him as SUB-Human, admitting to the 7th Grade Axiom of Birth Perversion, "He wasn't born, he was HATCHED" ;  thereby driving him from Mammal to Reptile, cold-blooded, heartless, without a Human Brain, but instead a Ganglion Mass.  And THAT, my Fellow Earth Citizens, is me being grotesquely GENEROUS.

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