Monday, January 21, 2019

Queen Rat

What is astonishingly bewildering is that trump shut down the American Government  because of a fucking FANTASY.  He deluded MILLIONS into BELIEVING that "Mexico would pay for the Wall".  Now, Payment for his Fantasy is way the fuck "PASSED DUE" and Mexico ain't gonna pay for no fucking FANTASY and America's Democ-Rats, lead by Queen Rat, Fancy Nancy, has backed king clown up against his "Wall" where They and She threaten him with whisk, wooden spatula and frying pan.  Humpty trumpty AIN'T gonna survive The Fall ~~~ (It's only a matter of Thyme.)

I NEED to Re-MIND you Gentle Readers that HATRED is FEAR.  Trumps Primal Declaration of  Incipient Cataclysm, that, "We are being INVADED", by Women and Children incites a Hatred of The Other whose Truth MUST be calibrated as FEAR.  The noxious Response, to build a Wall is, at its BEST, juvenile mental debauchery and at its Worst, adult hallucinatory debilitation. 

Trump's Hallucinatory Debilitation has manifested as HIS Shut-Down.  Indeed, the American Government is PARALYZED. 

A geriatric-fied Senilic has brought the American GIANT to its knees.

Holy Fucking WOW.

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