Thursday, January 10, 2019

"Bruce Almighty"

I had an elaborate "set-up" to impress on you Kidz the Nature of Past as Future,  that activities in which you excelled in your Early Life MAY lead you to a Specific Career in which your Mind and Body are in glorious Harmony with your "work" --- a Harmony that, be definition,, removes the drudgery from Necessity and affords a Welcome-of-Well-Being in Drudgery's Stead.  It's a Harmony that makes you WANT to get to "Work".  Here, Work becomes an expression of WHO YOU ARE, as an Individual in the Milky Way Galaxy, an Entity of the Universe, a Universe which is PROUD to have YOU as Its Example of Human Sanctity.  Bruce Joslin once gushed,
"I HATE the weekends, I can't WAIT to get to work on Mondays".  I must confess I wanted to shoot him DEAD on the spot.  No one should be capable of that kind of Mindless Joy-full-ness and Exigency Exuberance. 

Aren't we born to Suffer ?

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