Monday, January 7, 2019

I Believe In Nothing

It ain't like I could "just Sit", have shit "surface",, and record those "surfacings" as Valid and therefore "True" ,,, or True and therefore Valid.  "Just sitting" inevitably brings me to a Samadhi of Annihilation.  I MUST be EXTREMELY wary when this Territory is encountered.  A couple of days ago I Twittered that I was bogged-down in the Swamp of Futility.  Most Folks don't know that you can float in Quick-sand, since at its Essence,, quicksand is a fluid.  It was kinda-like that for me.  Futility is kwik-sand, a One that sucks you down if you flail.  I had to catch my breath and move        S--L--O--W--L--Y.  Some of You can appreciate my "Condition" since my First Impulse is to PANIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  In fact, I've ordained, "When in Doubt PANIC".

I have issues.

Panic for me is ALWAYS a Metaphysical CRISIS.  It ain't "Bad Enough" that I hear Voices, I hear a fucking SYMPHONY of Cries and Whispers.  I make certain to de-contain and Un-Leash ALL my Demons - - -  I LOVE Chaos, Confusion and Err-Rationality.  There is a radical Dis-Equilibrium that generates a Sensation of Fun.  I know that reads as Non-Sense-Ical THAT'S my Point. 

There is SUPREME Order in Chaos.  Believe it...  I do.

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