Monday, January 7, 2019

See Changes

Listen Kidz, there's even a Ritual for Ritualizing.  When I want to Move Rock I begin with KNOWING the Day is gonna be HEAVY, WHETHER, and WILD.  I begin with The Ritual of Site Preparation, the 1st "site" being my Mind, OBVIOUSLY.  This Ritual of Site Preparation is-gonna be found in the Gospel of Rock Moving under the Heading  Site Preparation is Sight Preparation.  It's weird that you gotta make certain you get yourself ready TO SEE.  The sight you have when you aren't carrying anything is   NOT  the Sight  you NEED when you are managing 20 pound jacks, a pail of 5/8ths chain and the 30 lbs Lug-All.  I've tripped and fallen because of Full-Sight Blindness.  It wasn't "Pretty" -- it WAS Pretty-Fucked-Up. 

ANY "Beginning" begins with a "Beginning" Ritual.  Folks invite, "Jump in, the water's fine."  DON'T DO IT.  Check to see if the water has depth.  Do THAT first.

The Ritual of Beginning SHOULD-BE soothing.  It you begin with Complete Acceptance of The Task At Hand, it bodes WELL for what-ever Action follows.  You gotta Prepare for Being Prepared.  THAT can get acidly involved.  There's NO escaping this "acid".  Things are insanely heavy because they are insanely HEAVY.  It ain't like you can afford to waste your time trying to devise Lightweight Lead or Plastic Steel.  THAT measure is its OWN Suffering, we can save IT for later when we are exhausted from some BULLSHIT AGGRAVATION.

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