Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Gallitan Street Sequence

Listen Kidz, this Hole Shit about trump and his Inhuman Cruelty, it has Origin THROUGH his Mother.  When you see and hear Others speak out against trump its always ABOUT trump and NEVER about his Mom.  You Kidz in your Nations, if you haven't accessed my Twitter account for a Daily Mind Feed, you my not know that I haven't been myself as of Late.  I have presented the aspects of Various Selfs, "Personas" if you will, that can "cover" any explanation as Ego Adaptation.  Thing with THAT is, I can't get control of this keyboard as the same Person every day.  I have vomited Rage and Bitterness, the Worst Possible, because THAT particular Stephen is like a fucking Wounded Animal, bleeding all over EVERYTHING and HOWLING at the Moon in Scorn, Contempt,, Rage,,, and FURY.   THAT Stephen can't write for shit, rather that's ALL for which he can write.  When HE gets control of the keyboard he breaks open Hell and forces it OUT.  Don't get me started on Steve the Volcano.

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