Monday, January 21, 2019

Planetarians of Earth -- UNITE !!!

I contend that the Planet is hemorrhaging Sorrow Stricken Migrants.  I contend that Democracy CANNOT be "applied" as adhesive compress or sterile's a "Band Aid" on a bleeding artery.  We KNOW what must be done in this particular Metaphor, and that is to STOP THE BLEEDING.  Now exactly HOW that Stoppage is to be administered..."Aye -- THERE'S the rub". 

A Tourniquet MUST be applied, question is, by Whom ?

Next, Those that SEVER National Blood Lines, those Nations involved in Civil Wars, Wars that generate MASSIVE MIGRANT FLOW,  MUST be made subject to Economic and Arms TOURNIQUET.  No Money for Weapons and NO WEAPONS.

Blockades, Sanctions and the lot.  There must be NO Air Space Violations WHATSOEVER.

Machiavelli espoused that it is the Enlightened DESPOT that can Rule with Forgiveness, Grace  and Political Compassion.

Here it is where the U.N. MUST become such an One.

We have reached PLANETARY Dysfunction, why should we wait for Cataclysmal Devastation ?

Rock Steady........Steady as We go....

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