Saturday, January 12, 2019

Ellusive Eleusis

I NEED to impress upon you Gize that it's gonna take a Some-One who can REFLECT trump AT himself.  This means a Someone who "KNOWS" what's it's like to experience VAST Nothingness, the Void - - where Love is absent and where Cruelty is the ONLY Force of Will.  Trump's "Achilles Heal" IZ his Mom.  As Fortin daggered my heart so must Someone dagger trump's. 

Understand that Marc was DEFENDING my Mom against my drunken delusions.  In this he was CHAMPION of Familial Dignity and Maternal Largess. 

Both Marc and David had LOVING Mothers.  I, on the other hand.....

It's gonna take Some-One with Street Cred and Gutter Savagery to "stop" trump.  Here it is that Purity of SPIRIT can withstand Pure EVIL.

It's gonna take Some-One with Demons, to HARNESS those Demons, and set THEM against Trump.

This aint gonna be for the feint of heart.

Rock steady........steady as she goes....

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