Monday, January 21, 2019


This morning I was ready, I thought, to forego my Twitter column and perjure myself with shit that I figured would pass the Bullshit Test.  I had HONEST Inclinations and I was way the fuck Over-Due with these Blogs. 

As my "ASUS" warmed this surface as the potential First Sentence, which Writers refer to as "the hook".   I must warn you Kidz, what follows is hideous.

I thought, (and please forgive the quotation marks), "You gotta wonder if there isn't some kinda Cosmic Vindictive Bitch-icism that accounts for all the Misery in the World."  This THIS scared the FUCK out of me.  I sat stunned.  I wondered if I'd gotten Everything ALL WORNG.  Did Mother Earth and her Twin, Mother Nature, have Psycho Sisters, Misery and Suffering ?,  and if so, where does the Goddess Sorrow "come in" ?   We are said to be Sorrow STRICKEN, that is, Stricken by Sorrow.  How can that be ?  How can Sorrow Strike Us, and FOR WHAT REASON ?
Isn't Misery enough ?

I can see HOW  Misery can be Anthropomorphized as a Raging BITCH, hence, Bitchicism, but The Goddess Sorrow can't POSSIBLY "know" Misery's "Infliction".
Misery can cast Cruelty as Righteous Karmic Justice, or so I could be wont to Believe.

It's just that Here, in America, it's as if Misery AIN'T Enough, Cruelty AIN'T Enough.
Somehow when the Earth's Politics are devoid of Compassion, Sorrow Herself enters. 

I ask again, How can this be ?

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