From, The Gospel of Rock Movers there is the BIGGEST First Thing Ya Gotta Do and that First Ting is to REMOVE OBSTRUCTIONS. When you want to move a ANYTHING over say 800 pounds, YOU GOTTA REMOVE even the tiny-est obstructions. EVERY quarter inch MATTERS, since your crank-winch [Lug-All or come-along' turns in only half inch arcs.
So you don't KNOW that his is a Cosmic Truth until you have a half-ton boulder chained up and you figure EZ-PZ.... Next thing you know the Crank ain't movin', you're stuck and bound up because you DIDN'T "Remove Obstructions".
But ain't that The Deal In Life ? You can't "get anywhere" unless and until you Remove Obstructions, those of Ignorance, Inability, Dis-Motivation and Sloth. When I had my ROCK hung-up on a Root, I just sat there, as stupid as can be,, just "looking". It "came" to me, [it "surfaced"], this is/was not only MY "Life" it was Every Body's Life, or so I was convinced. That's the Deal, "Universality", COSMIC Universality--- the so-called "Shared Commonality" that BINDS Us-as-Humans TOGETHER.
You kidz know I've been searching for those SPIRITUAL Commonalities. I found them rite where they SHOULDN'T be, in the MATERIAL DENSITY of Every Day Task-as-Ritual. I know, I KNOW, not Each and Every One of us has the Opportunity to "Move Rock", that iz and AINT the Point at the exact Same Time.
The Point is to Remove Obstructions BEFORE encountering Them. This hole shit about "Don't worry, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it" is for LOSERS and Enlightened SAGES. It AINT for Us. THAT'S gonna be in that Particular Gospel.
By the time you get to that Bridge it may be too late to use it, to get across or over whatever Stream of Suffering is below.
Here it is that "Plan Ahead" aint gonna be "Enough". Nope, you gotta be prepared to dig, and pull and tug and grunt and shovel and hack and exasperate [from the v.t. To Exasperate].
Sometimes "It's all good" AINT "All Good" until it's All BAD --- THEN It's all Good.
Huey Lewis and His News prophet, "Sometimes, Bad is Bad". Believe it -- I do,
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