Monday, January 21, 2019

"...Emptiness is Form."

The Problem aint just Humpty Trumpty's Wall.   My Guy Fareed Zakaria made Special Note that Migration on the GLOBAL Scale has caused an IM-BALANCE to Planetary Status Quo, an Im-Balance that reinforces an Economic Instability that itself is ALREADY the Cause of Migration From Nothing to Something, from the Poverty of Rumania to the "Prosperity" of Italy --- from the War Ravages of Syria to the Safety and Security of Germany.  The rabid INFLUX, of the Sorrow Stricken, has caused Fear-as-HATRED to be volcanized on a Multi-National Level, the one where the Indigenous Populations FEEL as if THEY are being SACRIFICED, in an Effort, by the Political Elites to weaponize UNWANTED  and Unwarranted Compassion, the Weaponization of which, PRIORITIZES Migrants AT THE EXPENSE OF NATURAL BORN CITIZENS.   The FEAR is REAL, as is the HATRED.

Make no mistake here Kidz --- Trump's Wall is Manifestation of FEAR.  Trump's Wall is SYMBOLIC of the Neutralization of this FEAR. 

THAT'S the China Wall of It All. 

The Wall IZ Fear AND the Relief of Fear.  It's brutally Mahayana in Form and Emptiness.

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