Thursday, January 31, 2019

Conned Text

The Problems with the American Democratic Party are multifarious and manifold.  They are, however, NOT Complex.  Since America is DIVERSE in Ethnicities you might think that it's only NATURAL for Modern Americans to be condemned to a perpetual Identity Crisis.  I aint buyin' it.  I have repeatedly and sometimes vehemently argued that We are "of One Blood", indeed, that Mother Earth is the Great Mother of ALL of Us.  Every Earth Planetarian bleeds RED.  Our Human Form IZ our "Shared Commonality".  The Problem should NOT be one of Identity but rather One of Eternity.  What SHOULD our COSMIC Goals entail ?   How do our Cosmic Idealizations reach the Streets and Gutters of Kitchen Table Venues ?  How does the Cosmic become manifested as Earth Material ? 

EVERY Human Being wants to Live in Peace and awaken in Prosperity.  THIS is the Shit that is NAURAL to Planetary Existence. 

ALL of US want Food, Water, Shelter, Electricity and most recently, Medical Considerations.  We OWE this Shit to OURSELVES.  We can't live NOW without THEM.

All the Other Shit, the Wars, the Unemployment, the Hatred, Bigotry, Corruption and Elitism, to identify but a few, are OBSTRUCTIONS to Peace and Viable Prosperity.

ANY "Path Forward" MUST confront these Obstructions with the EXPRESSED INTENT to REMOVE them.

THIS Shit is what the Americans MUST scrutinize. 

Some One has gotta "Go First" and "Lead the Way".  THIS is where America USE-TA be GREAT.

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