Monday, January 7, 2019

Zen Quantum Mechanics For The Complete Idiot

It aint like I'm eva-gonna author, Zen Quantum Mechanics For The Complete Idiot.  Back in The Day there were many several texts penned with the obtuse qualifier, "For The Complete Idiot" such as Computer Operation For The Complete Idiot, or Shakespeare's 'MacBeth' For The Complete Idiot :  there was even Idiot Shit for Mechanics, and Do-It-Yourself-ers,, although THEY were less popular to completely IGNORED.  I shy-ed away from such Texts, mainly because I was always an INCOMPLETE Idiot, where Incomplete should be spelled I-n-c-o-m-p-l-e-t  - -  can you dig it ?  Uh oh ---    Where was I ?

Idiot-hood is rampant.  To be an Idiot is to be Normal.  I cherish my role as Village Idiot.  It's NOT as if I CAN'T be Village Smot Ass,  It's just .....

I don't believe Any One is-gonna buy, Zen Quantum Mechanics for The Complete Idiot who pens his authorship with, "by, the Village Idiot".  That'd be idiotic.  TEMPTING like for sure. 

Maybe I'll author, The Red Badge of Idiocy...that'd be something.

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