Saturday, January 12, 2019

..."the cushioned, CRUSHING,, Silence"...

I usurp Poet Authority so that I an begin with today's Epilog.  Trump must be slain in the EXACT same "Way" as Perseus slew Medusa, indeed, as I Twittered this morning, trump is a fucking GORGON, a HIDEOUS MONSTER of HEINOUS INIMITABILITY.  Ugly CAN'T fucking "cover" it nor can Human ABOMINATION. 

I argued that trump has turned the Untied States of Amurdica into STONE "statues" of Immovable Atrocity.  Each Senator CAN'T seem to confront trump in fear of DEATH by his Twitter "Gaze".  Surely, if McMasters, Kelly and Mattis STEADFASTLY REFUSED "Battle" --- If these COMBAT-HARDENED Warriors can-NOT find the Patriotic COURAGE to engage "trumpusa", how is it that WE, "mere Mortals, can stand even a Snow-Flake's "chance" in trumpusa's Hell ?

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