Wednesday, January 30, 2019

..."they got ear-phone heads"...

My Beloved Foreign Nationals must grant an old man a bit of latitude as I tag the beginning of this post with American Pop-Culture's Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's Ballad to Alliteration.  They do a song in which the lyrics emphasizes "helplessly" and "Helpless" and THAT lament was in my head when I awoke at 4:30.  ["Helplessly hoping..."]   It wasn't long and another significant surfaced, "It's been a long time coming   /  Gonna be a long time gone."  I wondered about that as I ignited the Remington Micro-Furnace and barged into the 47 degree Cave.  These morning songs that have entered and "play" in my Stereo Head MEAN that in the Over-night of Sleep, shit  has been "fermenting", (wow, maybe NOT the best word) and my Unconscious has been at work reconciling Pain and Suffering. 

As I sipped my yesterday's unheated coffee an image surfaced. I knew its Source and at that instant I decided to write.  Trust me here Kidz,  there AINT no Academic Nobility being unleashed here, nor ANY Altruistic-Ism-Ness (otherwise known as Altruism).  My body is beat up from training, swimming and wielding a mini-sledge to beat pallets into their components.  I'm not who I used to be, all this shit levies a HUGE toll.  So, rather than begin today's Regimen I'm HERE to relieve myself of Aggravation, the definition of which is BURDEN.

I'm nothing if not utterly selfish.

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