Friday, March 26, 2021

Sword of No Sword


During this This Laundry was done, the Tools' Room Floor has been broom-ed and vac-d and I've managed  a  Cosmic Thank You.  When I leave here I'n still-gonna CONSIDER locating my Notes and Entries but before I go I will Introduce You Folks to Zen Master Warrior  Yamaoka Tesshu.

"Tesshu attained profound enlightenment at the age of forty-five and realized the inner principles of Swordsmanship, Zen, and calligraphy.  Tesshu became an extraordinarily versatile and prolific Master; a peerless Swordsman who established the SWORD-OF-NO-SWORD School; a wise and compassionate Zen Teacher in the Tekisui Tradition and an unrivaled calligrapher who gathered all things of heaven and earth in his brush."

I want THAT .

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

"I owe, I owe, so it's off to work I go."

 I'm trying to Wrestle a 4 TON BOULDER into an Upright Position.  It's in the shape of a parallelogram which has produced almost MORE than I can Handle.  I've tagged it  `The First Noble Truth`.  It's NO Coincidence that this Struggle coincides with my Discomfort with disclosing how Temple Life wuz for MEE.  Should I allow myself to "Drop Shit On The Buddha" ?   I don't know.  

I OWE Zen Sword my LIFE.  The number of times I've considered Ritual Suicide resides in a History best suited for  the Dust Bins of Hell.  KNOWING I would MAYBE return in Human Form is HUGELY Prohibitive.  THAT'S why I'm still around.

Master Fortin divined, "Your Writing got better, once you started to Move Rock".

Maybe, here's a Noble Truth.  It iz bc of Sword that I am Able to Move Rock.

Thank You Zen Master Chang Sik Kim.

Drowning In Thin Air

 You wanna figure that it AIN'T the Dyin' that's the Difficulty, it's the `Leavin' Behind` that's cause for Heart Crushing  Choke >>>  Suffocation Resulting.  Drowning Out of Water as it `were`. Something like THAT.  

Instead of the Poems, should he not have Written 12 Volumes >> `On The True Nature of Zen Sword` ?

Writing Poetry is the BIGG E Z on Easy St.  Poetry is the Air we breathe, at least for some of us.  Now WRITING >>>>>>>>  THAT's the Difficult, especially because,  at tymes,  it must be Engineered.

The Landscape, Foreground and Background, must be used to Orient ANY Sword Trajectory within a Spiritual Context of "Just Now".  Here it is where both TIME and SPACE are NOT "Relative", they do not even Exist.  What DUZ Exist is Sword and Holder of Sword.  With Practice the 'Holder" can Cease To Exist as well.  

Geezus  where wuz I ?

Edgar Allen Poem

Common among devout geezers of Ancient and Olden Tymes  wuz the Willingness to provide "Testament" , a something on the Order of, WITNESS OF GOD'S GLORY ~~~ MY LIFE AS TESTAMENT.  I sure-as-shit ain't-gonna `get` THAT Far,  but STILL there remains Obligatory BENEFIT if your Something SERVES, in WHAT-EVER its Manifestation.  

Is it not Written, "To Serve and BE Served are folds in the same Garment." ?  We have a Duty to "Pay our Dues."

...Which brings us to Zen Master Kim's Bequeath-ment >>>>> Zen Sword of course and,  to my mind, completely fucked-uP, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  83,000 poems.  

The Times Of Long Since Past

 I wuz SUPPOSE-TA dig out all my Notes and Journal Entries from The Times Of Long Since Past--I never got there.  There was a Tyme when there would be enough Time to gather all the shit and Write a Something like Janwillem van der Wetering's  A Glimpse Of Nothingness.  His Book isn't 'bad' and isn't 'good'... his STORY is Terrific.  It's NOT that `my story` ISN'T `terrific` ,,,  it's just that if I combine it with Marc Fortin's, it is made un-touchable-ly RICH.  That's what I THINK I want to deliver ,, Spiritual TREASURE.

A WAAAAAAAY Long Time during Ago, I did a blog about "What are you gonna leave behind ?"  I wuz referring to your Obituary, Obit if you're lazy, ORBIT if your Qrayzee. What's gonnabe your Reputation?  What did you Contribute to the Advance of Earth's Planetary Civilization ?  Those Questions were suppose to trigger PENETRATIVE Introspection, the one where you Evaluate your Life with PAINSTAKING ACUITY.

On the Street is should be tagged "Mind Drilling".

"Dropping Ashes On The Buddha".


I'm heating the Tools' Room.  The floor has `shoe droppings` all over it ~~~  cleats are fine but they get packed with mud that must be stomped out.  One of the Conditions of Spring IZ the mud--not only is it depressing it's SLIPPERY as well.  I'm old these days, and `gearing uP` simply to work INDOORS is beyond my Tolerance Level.  Oh well.

The (what I consider to be ) Untimely Death of Our Zen Sword Master, Chang Sik Kim, has caused me to experience Perplexity and some Consternation along with the extremely NATURAL Feelings of impending Mortality.  I feel compelled to WRITE about him through the Pen of  Me NOW ,  not as I was when I lived in his Temple.  

I feel fear that I would be, "Dropping Ashes On The Buddha".

Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Please forgive an old man.  I must leave this here so I can dig out all my notes and Journals from my Stay in the Temple.

Rock Steady........steady as She goes.... 

... a BOULDER on my shoulder...

 I single-handed-ly redefined  `Temple Ream Jobs`.  I SHOULD admit it wuz my ARROGANCE that caused the Master to get so PISSED-FUCKING-OFF at me , so much So that when he SHOUTED five inches from my face, flecks of his magma-spittle singed my cheeks.  I mean, RED-FACED MONSTER gets us close.  I mean I SHOULD Admit but in my defense, I wuz SURROUNDED by LESS-THANS.  I had a Degree, I had 2 FUCKING YEARS of Kung Fu in an ALL BLACK School, I'd swam D-1 and participated in the Penn State Relays.  It wuz THEY who should have bowed to MEEEEEE !

Here's a Noble Truth  >>>   THERE'S NO ROOM FOR EGO IN THE TEMPLE.

The Season for REASON

 Just so you Know, I'd spent FOUR YEARS studying that Area ,,,, a Testament to the S-I-Z-E of the BOULDERS and the >>>  E--N--O--R--M--I--T--Y <<< of the Undertaking.  Still, the Energy emanating from their 'nest' wuz Muffled or, to use a technical term, Dampened.  Plus, there wuz one-to-many, a condition the Hilti and Magic Dust will alleviate this Summer.  

When I choked #1 I had no idea that it center-lined its 'equator-to-be' ,, a MAJOR PROBLEM I was soon to experience,,, but  I had to keep it from rolling on either side.  I decided on tethering it to an Anchor about 20 feet uP, got out the Ladder and up it went.  One of my Voices complained, "This aint no good, there's NO WAY to afford SLACK once the 1 reaches the end of its leash."  I confess, the Voice made me UN-e-z.  I Ignored it.


Smelling is Believing

 I spent 8 hours wrestling an over 6 foot by 4 foot by 2 1/2 foot Boulder Parallelogram ::  It's the First Noble Truth in a Configuration I've Devoted to and named >  The 4 Noble Truths Cluster <  The 2nd Noble Truth is already in Place -- I'd jacked that some Time ago.  Half of that `Truth` is Rose Quartz.  `Stunning` gets us to 'There'.  While I wuz `Wrangling` I wuz working on whether or not to Eulogize Zen Sword Master Chang Sik Kim who entered the Void March 12th.  When I Googled his Status I learned that he'd Devoted his Time to Writing Poetry entered in some 12 Books with an 83,000 Tally.  It wuz Disconcerting to say the LEAST.  My Hero, Zen Master Miyamoto Musashi spent HIS Life at Sword but HE Wrote A BOOK OF FIVE RINGS.  You can see my Problem, I mean you can SMELL the Problem.  I lived in his Temple, the 1st One, the One on Boylston Street, for 11 and a half MONTHS,, at NO Time did he display ANY proclivity toward Poetry, not ONE word.  

"Something is rotten in Denmark".

Thursday, March 18, 2021

You can't trust Truth.

 I'm a fucking GENIUS.  "You can't trust Truth".  Truth WILL Lie to you.  

Joe Biden should STAR in his own Film "Clue-less-full".  It is plank-eating BEWILDERING that he can't understand White Male Rejection of REALITY, why they adamantly REFUSE to be Inoculated with a Drug that DILUTES Confederate Antebelumism while ACTIVATING an ALIEN Liberal-Ality .  Joe doesn't seem to understand that his INOCULATE is THE SAME AS trump's "Let's inject BLEACH into our Veins."  Ain't gonna happen for TRUTH AS SCIENCE Reasons.

Reality is SUPPOSE-TA Transcend Truth by ELIMINATING Subjectivity and IMPOSING Stark OBJECTIVITY.  When Reality itself is NEGATED by a Subjectivity dependent upon gross Ignorance THERE CAN BE NO TRUTH.  Here it iz where the Plague Pandemic is nothing more than Death's Wet Dream a Feel-Good change your undies Laff.  

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

In Gaud We Lust

 I must introduce the Concept of Truth Fluidity.  In This, Truth is NOT just Facts where facts are stagnate Isolationists, that are sometimes merely strung together to express (poorly) the Fluidity of Thought Generation.  I must insist that IF Thoughts are Fluid THEN so must be Truth.  Here Truth then becomes a Dynamic, a Tension between Affirmation and Negation [ Truth  IZ   or   It   IZN'T ].  

I present the Dynamic that Whites have REPRESSED their Hatred of Black Folk because they View Black Folks AS THE CAUSE OF THE DEATHS OF SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND WHITE FOLK.  Further, there is a Continuity where Confederates were Fighting for THE ORIGINAL AMERICA, the America of SLAVE OWNERSHIP by RECOGNIZED White Educated ELITISTS upon whose Names and Forms the American IDENTITY was Established as SUPERIOR.

Confederates at this Degree MUST be considered THE ORIGINAL PATRIOTS.

Psycho Delphic

You can see it rite ?  As the Pandemic Death Toll Reaches that of Civil War CATASTROPHE one can't help but view that Pandemic as MODERN DAY MANIFESTATION of  `The War FOR Equality`.   Look at what has come to Issue in America ---------> Voting Rights ESPECIALLY for Those of Slave `Identity` whose Skin Color SIGNIFIES the ABSENCE of  JUSTICE --- the One of Constitutional Guarantee.  

I've warned you Kidz, the Divine Intelligence has a MORBID Sense Of Humor.  It is As IF the Inoculate WASN'T just for Protection (a SCIENTIFIC MIRACLE if ever there wuz one) but along with that Protection the Inoculate `iz/wuz like' some sort of PSYCHO-DELPHIC Mind-Exp-a--n---d----i-----ng DRUG that RELEASED Endorphins of Equality further enhanced by the Insurrection of January 6.

Inoculate as LSD   ---   anyone see THAT coming ????

Euphoric Dysentery

 "For Better AND For Worse" my Intuition is inclined toward a `Psychologicalization` whereby Repression is the FOUNDATION of Oppression, at least in the American Instance.  America's Congenital Deformity resulted in Psychological Repression, a one that AVOIDED Introspection and as a result OBSTRUCTED True Growth and Development, the so-called MATURATION of Knowledge into Wisdom.  

Antebellum was indeed a Primordial State of Euphoric Dysentery UNTIL Lincoln looked inside his Soul.  It was As If America's Deformity was exposed to the BLISTERING Light of Human Revelation, the One of Horror, where Shame and Guilt NEEDED to be Purged in order for Peace OF MIND to be Experienced as Righteous Plenitude.  

Civil War as PURGE .

"Born Under A Bad Sign"

 I have argued (with catholic vehemence) that the Un-tied States were "Born into Original Sin".  [I gotta confess, I'm kinda pissed that pundits and BIIIG brains have used MY Original Sin Metaphor in THEIR qualifications of the Ills of American Genetic Pre-Dispositions.  It is, however, somewhat of a Relief that my work here in the Cave is reaching Outward to Receptive Like-Minded Others.]  

Slavery is, of course THE Original Sin, at least when Biblical Religion is enlisted as Historical Prism.  Generally I agree with myself, but when I do NOT<> it appears that 'American' was Born with a CONGENITAL Defect, meaning, while Democracy was Gestating, the Fetus was subject to SLAVERY as a NATURAL CONDITION.  

So it is that NOW we must resign ourselves to the FACT that the Founders were FLOUNDERS ~~~ that they were OBLIVIOUS to Slavery BECAUSE of their Egyptian ---> European (Lord and Manor  King as God) Lineage.       "Ignorance is Bliss".

Puritanical Hippie-ism

 Introspection begins with Questions.  Zen Introspection begins with "Who am I ?".  Beginning students are unfairly aghast when they answer with "Name or Form".  Name and Form just won't 'do'.  Zen Master use the true Nature of Self-Existence to dislodge Obstinacy from students who INSIST they are their parents' offspring.  Zen Masters query, "What did you look like before you were born ?"  So here we go.

"What did America look like before it was born ?"

It can be `sed ` and I will say it, the Puritan Settlement at Plymouth, wuz, at its Futuristic Essence, a Hippie Commune without the Drugs, Sex,, and Rock Roll of course.  Any Examination of Hippie Sub-Culture will reveal the Basic Flaw of Hippies and their IRRATIONAL Attempt at a Communal Level Sexual Promiscuity Dependent upon ANCIENT Agrarian Practices that SHOULD-HAVE Guaranteed Spiritual Practicality.  Thing iz, those fucking Hippies didn't know SHIT about Farming nor of Hunting and Gathering.  Look Familiar ????  It should.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

2 Heads AIN'T better than 1


Not only is the Totality of the Universe within Each and Every Mind, IT is within Each and Every CELL. It is IMPERATIVE to begin to try and Understand that America's Collective Consciousness iz ONE WITH THE UNIVERSAL MIND.  America IZ Its Own GOD.  I have oft stated that although America APPEARS as Two Headed, the Truth iz It is ONE Mind wherein TW O `Entities` Exist, the Primal and the Civilizational.  We MUST Confront OUR OWN DEMONS and fucking STOP Believing They Exist OUTSIDE are Own Cosmic Intelligence.  They Do NOT.

Fancy Nancy was only PARTIALLY Aware when she conjured, "The Enemy is Within".

In FACT>>>WE <<< are our own Enemy.

Rock Steady ........ Steady as She goes....

Four Tyoun

 There are FOUR Definitions of Zen.  They are :   "Zen is a Special Transmission outside the Scriptures  2. "Zen is INDEPENDENT of Words and Letters  3. "Zen is DIRECT POINTING to Mind  4. "Zen is Seeing into one's Self and the Attainment of Buddha-hood."  Of These only the Fourth can be utilized for MY Purpose and as such it iz a Psychological Dynamic best represented as Intense Introspection.  This THIS is what I figure the Nation, as a Mind and Body Politic,, NEEDS to NEUTRALIZE the Toxins of Political Corruption, and Propagandal Deceits -- those that cause such Unremitting Horror.  

Even pun-dunces and mini-minds AGREE with SUPER-Brains that America MUST CONFRONT the Diseases of INEQUALITY both of Race and of Economy.  Public Debate at this Juncture (Intersection) is Manifestation of INTROSPECTION.  

Here it is where "Right Meditation" CORRECTLY Identifies an ESSENTIAL 'Frame-work' for an ENLIGHTENED Political Structure.

"There's grass on the snow outside."

 The Biiiggest LIE on the Planet iz "Zen is Simple".  The 2nd BIIIGEST Lie on Earth iz "Zen is Complicated".  The TRUTH iz Zen iz NOT Simple and Zen iz NOT Complicated.  You see how goddamn fucking PERFECT Zen iz for Politics' Sake ???  We're at a Point where we CAN'T Understand what those fucking ASSHOLES are doing,,, so excising THEIR Clusterfuckism with Zen's Everyday Simplicity SHOULD be E Z.  

I can hear you puzzle, "What is Zen again ?"  

Here we go >>>>>>>>>>  this question  >> "What is Zen ?"<<   IZ  >Zen<  in ALL Its Glory no less.


 The Challenge of not only Introducing Zen as the REPLACEMENT for Biblical Governing Influence but because so much of American 'familiarity' is by way of Japanese Arts, in the forms of 'Flower Arranging' and the 'Tea Ceremony' and the rest of the Popular Artsy-Fartsy Depictions of a Samadhi that takes YEARS of Unremitting Practice to attain, it is EXTRAORDINARILY difficult in that Zen requires, nay, Demands some Knowledge of Mahayana Buddhist Principles which themselves resemble those of Quantum Mechanics.  You can see the Problem.

Issuing Zen as "Spiritual Common Sense" isn't likely to aid The Main-Stream-Main-River Citizenry into Resolving that the Status Quo MUST undergo CATACLYSMAL Change.  Since the Present Status Quo is 'all we know', there is abject SAFETY as well as abject SECURITY in Maintaining the Status Quo AS IT IS >>> DESPITE its unremitting effluence of Corruption, Deceit and Deception >> Suffering Resulting.

I HATE 'Change'.  Many of Us do.

"The Answer, my Friend, is blowing in the Wind."

 I awoke from a Dream in which I was part of an Assembly that wuz to Receive the Dharma via Several Individuals of which I wuz one.  I recall feeling DISTINCTLY Uncomfortable, 'Zen Rally" is oxy-moronic  and why on EARTH did I think I wuz Qualified to extend ANY `Flower` ?   I persecute my Self with Self-Doubt, indeed, I have rather SUPERIOR Self-Doubt, I mean it's fucking WORLD CLASS.  As my `stage time` neared I sought Escape.  I made my way through the Sanga as unobtrusively as I could but when I reached the Rear Exit there were Old Students who recognized my Cowardice -----  One forlorned,  "Why are you leaving ?"   I had no answer --- then I awoke.

"Just say `Nope` "


I spent a good portion of Yesterday putting tools away and even modifying a few so that they could be secured with Ease as opposed to Aesthetic.  When the Tools' Room becomes Museum there are Psycho-Kinetic problems that manifest as Ergonomic Derangement.  It's when Art Inhibits Function.  Sure your Drills LOOK GOOD when their cords are neatly wound, but when you NEED 'just now' Access and you must untangle the cord I almost always `end-up` wanting to take a fucking hatchet to said cord and using IT to flail my own back.  "Whip it ---  whip it GOOD ! "  I MUST BE PUNISHED FOR CREATING CLUSTERFUCK TURMOIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not many grown-ass MEN are gonna leave their drill 'plugged-in'  ---  I mean I don't WANT to either >> but some times 'just now' MEANS  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  IMMEDIATELY.

So it is that I suffer ----- and Suffer greatly.

Monday, March 15, 2021


 Joe Biden aint gonna SOLVE a Religious Dilemma.  What exists in the Un-tied States is, in actuality, Identical to Democratic Imperialism and Hegemony being Inflicted upon the Muslim Civilization AND AFRICA AT LARGE >> War and Eternal CONFLICT resulting.  The CRUSADE continues.  The JIHAD is upon us.  

AmeriKKKanism remains ENTRENCHED in Old Testament Antebellumism in the EXACT SAME WAY that the Muslim Civilization is Entrenched in Ancient Mohammedanism but NOT the Good One, the Pre-Hajj Mohammedanism, but the POST Hajj one of WAR, and Virtue DESECRATION.  

In the Same Way that Mohammed 'had to' use WAR to Purge Nomadic Paganism from 'his' Lands thereby PROVING the POWER of Allah, so it was with Abraham Lincoln who also sought out War to PROVE the Superiority of HIS God, Democracy.

Consider... .

Miss Take

 Going to War to Fight and KILL for Democracy IZ THE SAME AS Going to War to Fight and KILL for your God.

When Democracy becomes Worshiped Democracy becomes God.

In Both  WAR  is God's WILL.

Now we can See WHY the Antebellumists Justify Slavery as God's WILL.  Racism becomes a God Ordained NECESSITY.  Slavery, and its Ancillary Racism MUST be deemed RIGHTEOUS since their Actuality is MANDATED as GOD'S WILL and as such Divinely Apportioned.  

War as God's BLESSING  -------Anyone see THAT coming ?????


 You can't miss it,   Abraham and Abraham Lincoln.   American and AmeriKKKan `Relgions` ORIGINED by and through 'Abraham'.  I warned you Kidz the Divine Intelligence has DARK Humor either That or He or She or IT is RADICALLY Obscene.  It'd be Funny if it wasn't so fucking DEMENTED.  

I have written that the Civil War never "Ended".  I MUST add that The Crusades never Ended as well. 

How Cruel is it that even `Within One's Own`, 'Sects' exist with ONE Devotional Intent >> To DESTROY the Other.  Look at Ireland, Look at the Muslim World  >> Shiites and Sunnis at each others Throats with Daggers, Knives, Swords and Spears all in the Name of Allah, The Compassionate One.  It's NO Different in the Un-United States.  


 You can see It rite ?  Instead of viewing the Bloody Insurrection of January 6 as a Bloody Insurrection--you can View it as a fucking JIHAD > A Crusade of Conservative FUNDAMENTALISTS who laid Siege to the Capitol as a   M A N I F E S T A T I O N  OF THEIR BELIEF IN THE OLD TESTAMENT (ANTEBELLUM) PAST.  It iz their FAITH that JUSTIFIES the Violence and Death.  Their BELIEF in the 'God' of Antebellum South is THE Origin of ALL Present Day Torment.  Here it is where DENIAL of Infidel Others' (Religious) Reality MUST be HARNESSED that THEIR Religion be ELEVATED to Governmental Status.  Here it is, where "The Rule of the MAJORITY" is BLASPHEME-ICLY PREPOSTEROUS, since it is THEIR God who is SUPERIOR in EVERY Way, Shape and Form.  

Democracy not only PROTECTS "Religious Freedom" It DEMANDS It as well.

You aint-gonna fuck with another man's religion,  not in America OR  Amerikka.

Purified Insanity or Beat or be Beaten

 Religion is some fucked-uP Form of Industrialized Insanity.  Religion drives good, honest, and decent Folks into a Furtive Madness of Devotional Incongruity;   the One in which Death and Destruction DEMONSTRATES >>>>  Love <<<<< for an Invisible Absolute whose Very Existence cannot be Proven nor DIS-Proven .......... I mean shit............. let's live the Paradox.  What else can we do ?????

The Crusades and Jihads were Insanities that reached PANDEMIC Proportions, Hundred of Thousands sacrificed their Lives to Secure a God-Land of highly QUESTIONABLE Value.   Territorial Insanity.  

The God of Islam, Allah, is the SAME FUCKING GOD of Judaism, Since BOTH have ORIGINAL  Lineage through Abraham and HIS  God.  

America and AmeriKKKa  same Lineage through Columbus.  

Predatory Nihilism

 Some Time Ago I identified Capitalism as a RELIGION and tagged the `Worship of Profit` as the "Heart and SOUL" of AmeriKKKan republiKKKans.  Here it is where the `Investigation Into Difficulty` begins in that one of Democracy's 'Absolutes' iz The Constitutional GUARANTEE of "Freedom of Religion".  In America and AmeriKKKa, Each Citizen has the RIGHT to BELIEVE whatever-the-fuck they WANT to and that INCLUDES Capitalism's Prime Directive, "Every man for HIMSELF" and Its ancillary, "Dog eat Dog".  Here it is where the Primal SAVAGERY of ANIMAL Instinctuality is THE "Driving Force" of an Existence based upon PREDATORY NIHILISM , a Nihilism that predicates the "Law of the Jungle" >>>> "Eat or be Eaten".

Industrialized Bigotry

 Half the American Nation isn't even American, it's AmeriKKKan.  Racism and a predominance of Industrialized Bigotry exists as Institution, where Institution iz Code for Ultimate Reality.  You can see feel and hear Difficulty being experienced as Grind, where Grind is Solipsistical Obsession.  Difficulty arises as I try to Impose MY Zen Reality as Remedy for a Delusion I have identified as THE Reality for AmeriKKKa.  I strongly OPPOSE their `Reality` because it is devoid of Universal Compassion, i.e., an Understanding of the True Nature of Humanity, the One where Each and Every `Single` is DIRECTLY connected to Each and Every OTHER Single by Arithmetic (Indisputable) Lineage.  We were supplied with Human Form one at a time, the Human Race did NOT "Just appear".  

1 + 1 = 2.   I THINK we can All agree on THAT.

Here's the Problem of Opposing Realities.  For AmeriKKKans 1 + 1 does NOT equal 2.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

"Dried Shit on a Stick"

 On my Reminder Board in the Tools' Room I have, in Legible Printing,  >  "DON'T bite Off MORE than you can chew" and beneath it, in hastily frenzied scrawl,  "Because you'll choke".  

I can't erase it, I know I should, I mean I GET IT !!  Geezus KRYST do I GET IT !            Still.............

There aint no `Dealership` for RACISM in Zen.  The Truth found in Zen is SUPPOSE to be "The ABSOLUTE" meaning, "Phenomena themselves ARE THE ABSOLUTE" where the Absolute is Code for REALITY.  Zen is SUPPOSE to be an ADHERENCE to Reality. This is the What and HOW of Reality which then claims Truth AS Experiential Reality.  Technically, Truth IS AN EXPERIENCE.

You can See and FEEL how DIFFICULT it becomes when good, honest and decent folks become POSSESSED by Cultist Fabrications and Sorcerer Machinations.  Folks do not like the Truth.  It gets in the way of Pleasure.  Reality as TRUTH  becomes Terror-Fyingly UNBEARABLE.   Believe it.

Adrif t

 I BELIEVED I could introduce Zen as `Spiritual Pragmatism'  by Using Dr. William James' now Iconic Pragmatism and Radical Empiricism as a Psycho-Philosophical `Vehicle` - the Abject Necessity being to AMERICANIZE (and therefore lend a nationalism [to]) Foreign and Ancient Spiritual/Philosophical Abstractionism in an Effort to provide RELIEF from the Chaos and Tumult of IRRATIONAL sometimes PSYCHOTIC   Political Misanthropy.   Shit --  how hard could that be ????

"I'm A Soul Man, Yes I am."

 When Joe Biden announced that he wuz-gonna try and "Save The Soul Of America" I had a "Santana" Moment >> "All around Nature's Dance just for me". (My Italics).  Here, "Nature" was (of course) HUMAN Nature, and I figured  >> FINALLY<<  the World has "come" to MEEEEEE.  Because I WANTED some Version or Iteration of "Spirituality" to be Infused into the American Consciousness (Or maybe Conscience is a better Descriptive) I felt RYTE at Home.  Here it is where Spirituality not only Accepts 'Mysticism' as a BONAFIDE Attribute, It somehow SANCTIONS "Miraculous Happenstance".  Obviously, once you can accept Miracles, the Introduction of COSMIC Socio-Political Interplay becomes Relevant as "Naturally Occurring".   It's "WIN-WIN" for me.         At least, I thought it to be.

I carry `would`.

Sometime during `A While Ago` I decided to Save America Again by imposing Sword Dominated Zen into American Political Climatology in order to supplant the Prevailing Status Quo of PATHOS Driven Irrationality with the Common Sense of Orthodox Zen Dogma.  This THIS was the result of Meditative Reasoning, the One that Figures `SIMPLE IS BEST`.  Here, "I draw water, I carry wood", translates, on Street Level, as `I Work to Sustain my Existence and that of my Family`.  Here, The Simple Necessities of Life >>> Clean Water, Abundant Food, Fair Housing and Plentiful Electricity are NOT Mystical Mirages but SELF-EVIDENT REQUIREMENTS that   receive   Jurisprudential Authority  from  The Declaration of Independence .  The Application of Zen, would, I THOUGHT, alleviate untold Suffering by Its ETHOS Driven Rationality.  Reducing `Things` to their Rudiments and Fundamentals provides ACCESS to Understanding. Here, Items of IMPOSSIBLE COMPLEXITY are 'Seen' for what they TRULY `Are`, and this new Vision would also `accommodate` (for lack of a better word) SIGNIFICANT Recognition and identification in the form of  >>>  "Oh, you mean THAT".  

Fructifying Mental Ambrosia

 I've been away from the Blog Realm in a somewhat rancid `speculatory` resolve to Wait for some sort of Cosmic Coalescence that will unleash a Rain of Fructifying Mental Ambrosia, the so-called "Manna from Heaven".  I figured that if I 'held-out' long enough >>>>TIME<<<< would be an ACTIVE Agent for said Coalescence ::::: that given Enough Time, the Blur caused by the Cosmic Winds of Political Storms would abate providing not only Sordid Relief but Iconic Clarity, the One where OBVIOUS comes into Focus and Apprehension is at hand.  

I'm still waiting.............................................

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Ain't nothin' free in Free Market ~~

 I must leave this here for today, my ribs have begun to ache and I'm famished.

Many of Us are familiar only with Capitalism's "Supply and Demand".  That Familiarity ISN'T Enough to encompass Zuboff's Surveillance Capitalism , the one of Behavior Modification >> Profits Resulting.  She is RELENTLESS in Expressing the Whole-Sale SLAUGHTER of Human Dignity by an Industry who KNOWINGLY Condemns us to a life as ORGANISM through Sub-Conscious INVISIBLE and almost UNDETECTABLE Means.  

We will continue tomorrow.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Slavery Is FREEDOM

 It MAY be Necessary for Uze-Gize to procure copies of Orwell's Animal Farm ("It's just that some of us are MORE Equal than others.") and, of course, 1984,  ("Freedom Is Slavery") .  My Ge-Ge Generation was `grown-uP` to Orwell's HATRED of Totalitarianism and by Association,  >Communism< .  Many of us BELIEVED that bc America had the A-Bomb and could OBLITERATE the entire PLANET,, No One would DARE to `fuck with us`.  Orwell's Prediction of Communist HORROR was taken with Dread but NOT with DIRE URGENCY.  Then came Kruschev and his MANIACAL "WE WILL BURY YOU"  which transformed an Entire Nation INSTANTLY.  

Maybe Orwell was Right.

Soul Toll

 Parts I & II, some 350 pages,, are EXCEEDINGLY  Technical.  That  ,, does NOT make them arduous in the way of Piketty, who put us on a FORCED MARCH in his Capitalism In the 21st Century, which was, at times a SLOG in a Swamp and a TRUDGE in a Desert.  Splashed within the Restrictions of Characterization and Depth Analysis are Sweet Passages of Quotations from Philosopher and Political Scientist Hannah Arendt, who not only is Worth Reading she is Worth LOVING.  Shoshana uses Arendt to suffuse Color LIFE into the likes of Emile Durkheim and Max Weber whose Intellectual INTENSITY can turn your eyes into 'Glass Cat' marbles.  Don't misunderstand, I LOVE These Guys, but They are NOT 'me' whereas   Shoshana Zuboff   IZ   `me`.  

I include the above to acknowledge the DURATION of Capitalism's `EFFECT On Society and Civilization`.  I NEED to also include the Concept of Caste-Ism, the so-called "Division of Labor" that was formed due to "Industrialization".  The Industrial Revolution caused almost UNREMITTING Hardship as not only Adults but CHILDREN were pressed into Hard Labor.  Innocent and Hard Working AGRICULTURAL-ISTS were drawn AWA  Y from Divine Soil Tillage to Factory OPPRESSION and the Result of the CHANGE became the bleary-eyed, Soul-Drained, Automaton ROBOTS depicted in early Anti-Industry Films.  

Here, Capitalism began to exact a TOLL.


 Elsewhere I have proffered Argument that not only is the Global Internet one  of Deleterious Acommo- dation it is one of Pernicious Aggrandizement.  Somehow, (actually we KNOW how),  our Privacy has been insidiously REMOVED from our Awareness of Health and Well-Being.  We 'make Public' ALL our PRIVATE Matters when we use the Internet to text, message, post and e-mail, Matters that are then 'rendered' into Data that is VACUUMED by Big Tech, Shoshana's "Big Other", and which is then USED against us in such a way as to INFLUENCE our PERSONAL Decision Making.  

Young Folks considered to be 'Modern' have been ADDICTED to their Cells and On Line Transmissions.  This THIS was EXACTLY the CONFESSED Intent of "BIG OTHER" whose sole Intent is a Capitalism which subsumes the Global Universe.  

How many of you CANNOT Live without glancing at your Cell a MILLION times a day ?

"No Thought, No Mind, No Self" The Zen of BORG

Understanding 'Loss of Individuality' can be enhanced by reminding everyone of the Pop Culture  TV Series "Star Trek  Next Generation".  You may recall the "BORG" with its infamous "Resistance is Futile".  The BORG Universe is one of 'Hive' "Collectivity" the one where the Needs of the Collective are THE 'Prime Directive'.  There are NO 'Individuals' in the Collective.  Here it is where 'Individual Freedom'--the Freedom To Be One's Self-- has been supplanted by the Collective in order to secure the Empiric Goal of Universe Dominance.  Here it is where one's WILL has been Excised, reducing Borg Entities to Automatons, i.e., human ROBOTS.  THIS is the Nature of Zuboff's what I will call 'Will-less' Existence, what she has determined, using "Big Other" reference, "Organism" Existence.  Zuboff decries the Loss of Humanity, when she bemoans, "Human Beings are reduced to Organisms".  This is but a kwik pitch from "I am NOT a `Number`" which was almost a WAR-CRY of the 70's.  Shoshana is my Age, she's one of "MY GE-GE GENERATION" so she should have augmented, "I am NOT a 'Data Stream' " to modernize that 70's doleful bale.

Monday, March 1, 2021

The Anti-Microwave Brain

  Wow, I just saw the time 4: 24  I'm WAAAAAAAAAY late for Nicole Wallace's Class.

Remember when I told uze-gize I wanted to create a NEW American Citizen the One of Warrior/Scholar ? Well I was RIGHT.   Zuboff affirms.    We   N E E D   to Re-Conceptualize K-8, we N E E D to RECONFIGURE     Society's   VALUES,   MORALS,   MORES   and   ORIENTATION  so  they  can accommodate NEW PRESSURES from Media and HIGH Tech Industries.

We MUST base the Change in Armored Protection of the Philosophical Kind.  There are PUNISHING Questions that MUST be Addressed, among them, "Do you Value your Individuality ?"  The Answers to this and Others will form  the Foundation upon which the 21st Century Man can conduct his OWN Personal Development as well as Contributing to the Health and Well Being of his Fellow Citizen through Acts of Recognition and Same Ground Authenticity.  Gotta go.

Rocl Steady........Steady as She goes....

The Waste Land

There are two titles that are PERFECT for "What Lies Ahead", they are,    ITS EVEN WORSE THAN IT LOOKS  and  IT'S EVEN WORSE THAN YOU THINK.  The former is written by Thomas E Mann and Norman J. Ornstein , the later by David Cay Johnston.   "Chicken Little's" The Threat of Global Implosion comes from the Invisible Realm;  not only will we NOT see what hit us, we won't know how it KILLS us.  Thing iz ITS HAPPENING TO US EVEN AS I TYPE THESE WORDS !  "Tuesday" snarls, "Be Afraid, be VERY Afraid."  

Elsewhere I have cast that we are SURROUNDED.  The "Truth" has been DE-Sanctified to such an extent that No One can Trust ANYBODY or ANYTHING.  "Living the Lie" has ascended to a SENSATIONAL Narrative of Existence.  Indeed, Lies and Deceit, are the Essence of Corruption.  "One thing leads to another" and "Next thing you know" We're livin'  in the Wasteland of Democracy BELIEVING "We are in control of our Future".  Well, we ARE and we're NOT.  Not Unless we start changing NOW !!

"Foxy Loxy went to the King"

 I gotta confess Kidz, the ONLY Time I'm a Fan of   WORLD CHANGING CATASTROPHES  is like 15 HUNDRED MILLION YEARS AFTER THE EVENT !!!  Now I've taken Liberties, both Yourz and mine, when 'doing' "Chicken Little"  AKA  "Henny Penny" and even "Foxy Loxy" their `terrorization` of  "The Sky Is Falling , The Sky Is Falling."  So here we go ~~~>Not only have I professed THE DEATH OF DEMOCRACY but also my Latest, Toynbeean Reiteration >> A Capitalism devoid of Democracy [breeds] a [Governmental Rule] of the Capitalists.  As a Utopianist and Militant Idealist I'm figuring that Socialism manifested as "Cradle To Grave" 'Oversight and CARE' is  an Evolutionary INEVITABLE .  Perhaps One of the Great Mysteries of the Universe is that "Nature's Way is ALWAYS Towards IMPROVEMENT, the One that leads to both Physical and Mental Perfection which is then Manifested in the Earthly Realm as Peace and Prosperity.  In this Realm One's Safety is GUARANTEED as a UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHT.

I want that.................................

The Eight-Fold Noble Definitions

 Please read her Definition.

Surveillance Capitalism is 1. A new economic order that claims human experience as free raw data material for hidden commercial practices of extraction, prediction, and sales;  2.  A parasitic economic logic in which the production of goods and services is subordinated to a new global architecture of behavioral modification; 3.  A rogue mutation of capitalism marked by concentration of wealth, knowledge, and power unprecedented  in human history; 4. The foundational framework of a surveillance economy; 5.  As significant a threat to human nature as the twenty-first century as industrial capitalism was to the natural world in the 19th and twentieth; 6.  The origin of a new instrumentarian power that asserts dominance over society and presents startling challenges to market democracy 7.  A movement that aims to impose a new collective order based on total certainty; 8.  An expropriation of critical human rights that is best understood as a coup from above:  an overthrow of people's sovereignty."

Read this 400 times I beg You.

Skinner's Dystopia

 The blog page remains at half capability, I don't know how to gain Full Access to a Whole Page. 

To continue >>  the OWNERS of Facebook, Twitter and the Other GIANTS are actively engaged in an Industry of   >> Behavioral Modification  <<   that  seeks  to  Condition  us  toward  Pathways  of  MASS CONSUMPTION that will FAVOR their Advertisers.  Zuboff, Here, makes CRITICAL Assessment of the Loss of INDIVIDUAL Decision Making with regard to Products offered by Corporations et al.  We have gone from CONSCIOUS AWARENESS of being gently nudged by Commercial Repetition to an insidious and definitely PERNICIOUS  Sub-Conscious THRUST toward Objects and Items that initially hold no interest to us WHATSOEVER.  Here it is where the CORPORATIONS MOLD US INTO CONFORMING TO THERE PROFIT INTERESTS.  We buy what THEY want us to.  

Let that sink in......................


 I can't get the page to raise or lower---I don't know why.  I'll try and continue this Report 2-moro.

uh oh

 Some of You MAY have read Franklin Foer's  WORLD WITHOUT MIND   THE EXISTENTIAL THREAT OF BIG TECH and if So, Uze-Gize will find in Zuboff, SIMILAR "Urgency".  In the opening Passages of Foer's Text, he `Threads` the Works of Marshall McLuhan, [The Medium Is The Message, Understanding Media, The Gutenberg Galaxy, Counter-Blast] (All of which I have read) in an Effort to Context-ularize the Conditions of  >"They Became What They Beheld"<  that an Understanding of the Groping Insidious Invasive-ness of Television Commercials and their SUBVERSIVE Sub-Conscious ATTACK on our Conscious Decision Making results in an Exigency of CONSTANT CRAVING manifested on the Street as "Keeping Up With The Jones-es".  Here it is where Capitalism IZ `Advanced` but ONLY within the Parameters of ACCESSIBLE Financial Liquidity, meaning, EVERYONE can afford the "Cha Cha CHIA Pet".  

Zuboff Reveals a Trans-Morphification whereby Big Tech, what she tags as "Big OTHER" [a Modernization of Orwell's "Big Brother"] Employs B.F. Skinner's "Behavioral Modification" as Dystopic AGGRESSION in order to Advance a Capitalism THAT IS INTENTIONALLY CLOAKED so that Innocent Consurems


 Normally it takes a couple of days to assimilate a Book's Information, long enough to establish a Framework or Build a Scaffolding upon and from which to Examine the Author's Message.  That's my 'Job' as Uze-Gize well know.  Zuboff's Masterpiece,  THE AGE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM  ~~~  THE FIGHT FOR A HUMAN FUTURE AT THE FRONTIER OF POWER ,  iz no Leisurely Jaunt from the Known to the Unknown, it's an EXPLORATION of the HERE & NOW .  Zuboff's MIND iz a Combination of Electron Microscope and 'Hubble' Reflecting Telescope, the One of Sub-Atomic AND Inter-GALACTIC Acuity, `trained` upon the Infinitesimal AND Future Time-Space CONCURRENTLY.  She manifests her SUPER-NORMAL Energies with SUPER-NATURAL Ease.  Her SCIENCE is delivered with Freudian Devotion to Sentence Structures, almost all FOUR lines l----o----n----g, that present her Thoughts as Concrete Blocks as though she iz a Master Free-Mason at task  ,,  Building a Galaxy-Size Cathedral SUPER-Structure.   MAGNIFICENCE   Doesn't approach >>>>>IT.