Monday, March 1, 2021

uh oh

 Some of You MAY have read Franklin Foer's  WORLD WITHOUT MIND   THE EXISTENTIAL THREAT OF BIG TECH and if So, Uze-Gize will find in Zuboff, SIMILAR "Urgency".  In the opening Passages of Foer's Text, he `Threads` the Works of Marshall McLuhan, [The Medium Is The Message, Understanding Media, The Gutenberg Galaxy, Counter-Blast] (All of which I have read) in an Effort to Context-ularize the Conditions of  >"They Became What They Beheld"<  that an Understanding of the Groping Insidious Invasive-ness of Television Commercials and their SUBVERSIVE Sub-Conscious ATTACK on our Conscious Decision Making results in an Exigency of CONSTANT CRAVING manifested on the Street as "Keeping Up With The Jones-es".  Here it is where Capitalism IZ `Advanced` but ONLY within the Parameters of ACCESSIBLE Financial Liquidity, meaning, EVERYONE can afford the "Cha Cha CHIA Pet".  

Zuboff Reveals a Trans-Morphification whereby Big Tech, what she tags as "Big OTHER" [a Modernization of Orwell's "Big Brother"] Employs B.F. Skinner's "Behavioral Modification" as Dystopic AGGRESSION in order to Advance a Capitalism THAT IS INTENTIONALLY CLOAKED so that Innocent Consurems

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