Monday, March 1, 2021

"Foxy Loxy went to the King"

 I gotta confess Kidz, the ONLY Time I'm a Fan of   WORLD CHANGING CATASTROPHES  is like 15 HUNDRED MILLION YEARS AFTER THE EVENT !!!  Now I've taken Liberties, both Yourz and mine, when 'doing' "Chicken Little"  AKA  "Henny Penny" and even "Foxy Loxy" their `terrorization` of  "The Sky Is Falling , The Sky Is Falling."  So here we go ~~~>Not only have I professed THE DEATH OF DEMOCRACY but also my Latest, Toynbeean Reiteration >> A Capitalism devoid of Democracy [breeds] a [Governmental Rule] of the Capitalists.  As a Utopianist and Militant Idealist I'm figuring that Socialism manifested as "Cradle To Grave" 'Oversight and CARE' is  an Evolutionary INEVITABLE .  Perhaps One of the Great Mysteries of the Universe is that "Nature's Way is ALWAYS Towards IMPROVEMENT, the One that leads to both Physical and Mental Perfection which is then Manifested in the Earthly Realm as Peace and Prosperity.  In this Realm One's Safety is GUARANTEED as a UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHT.

I want that.................................

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