Friday, March 26, 2021

Drowning In Thin Air

 You wanna figure that it AIN'T the Dyin' that's the Difficulty, it's the `Leavin' Behind` that's cause for Heart Crushing  Choke >>>  Suffocation Resulting.  Drowning Out of Water as it `were`. Something like THAT.  

Instead of the Poems, should he not have Written 12 Volumes >> `On The True Nature of Zen Sword` ?

Writing Poetry is the BIGG E Z on Easy St.  Poetry is the Air we breathe, at least for some of us.  Now WRITING >>>>>>>>  THAT's the Difficult, especially because,  at tymes,  it must be Engineered.

The Landscape, Foreground and Background, must be used to Orient ANY Sword Trajectory within a Spiritual Context of "Just Now".  Here it is where both TIME and SPACE are NOT "Relative", they do not even Exist.  What DUZ Exist is Sword and Holder of Sword.  With Practice the 'Holder" can Cease To Exist as well.  

Geezus  where wuz I ?

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