Parts I & II, some 350 pages,, are EXCEEDINGLY Technical. That ,, does NOT make them arduous in the way of Piketty, who put us on a FORCED MARCH in his Capitalism In the 21st Century, which was, at times a SLOG in a Swamp and a TRUDGE in a Desert. Splashed within the Restrictions of Characterization and Depth Analysis are Sweet Passages of Quotations from Philosopher and Political Scientist Hannah Arendt, who not only is Worth Reading she is Worth LOVING. Shoshana uses Arendt to suffuse Color LIFE into the likes of Emile Durkheim and Max Weber whose Intellectual INTENSITY can turn your eyes into 'Glass Cat' marbles. Don't misunderstand, I LOVE These Guys, but They are NOT 'me' whereas Shoshana Zuboff IZ `me`.
I include the above to acknowledge the DURATION of Capitalism's `EFFECT On Society and Civilization`. I NEED to also include the Concept of Caste-Ism, the so-called "Division of Labor" that was formed due to "Industrialization". The Industrial Revolution caused almost UNREMITTING Hardship as not only Adults but CHILDREN were pressed into Hard Labor. Innocent and Hard Working AGRICULTURAL-ISTS were drawn AWA Y from Divine Soil Tillage to Factory OPPRESSION and the Result of the CHANGE became the bleary-eyed, Soul-Drained, Automaton ROBOTS depicted in early Anti-Industry Films.
Here, Capitalism began to exact a TOLL.
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