Monday, March 1, 2021

The Anti-Microwave Brain

  Wow, I just saw the time 4: 24  I'm WAAAAAAAAAY late for Nicole Wallace's Class.

Remember when I told uze-gize I wanted to create a NEW American Citizen the One of Warrior/Scholar ? Well I was RIGHT.   Zuboff affirms.    We   N E E D   to Re-Conceptualize K-8, we N E E D to RECONFIGURE     Society's   VALUES,   MORALS,   MORES   and   ORIENTATION  so  they  can accommodate NEW PRESSURES from Media and HIGH Tech Industries.

We MUST base the Change in Armored Protection of the Philosophical Kind.  There are PUNISHING Questions that MUST be Addressed, among them, "Do you Value your Individuality ?"  The Answers to this and Others will form  the Foundation upon which the 21st Century Man can conduct his OWN Personal Development as well as Contributing to the Health and Well Being of his Fellow Citizen through Acts of Recognition and Same Ground Authenticity.  Gotta go.

Rocl Steady........Steady as She goes....

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