Monday, March 15, 2021

Predatory Nihilism

 Some Time Ago I identified Capitalism as a RELIGION and tagged the `Worship of Profit` as the "Heart and SOUL" of AmeriKKKan republiKKKans.  Here it is where the `Investigation Into Difficulty` begins in that one of Democracy's 'Absolutes' iz The Constitutional GUARANTEE of "Freedom of Religion".  In America and AmeriKKKa, Each Citizen has the RIGHT to BELIEVE whatever-the-fuck they WANT to and that INCLUDES Capitalism's Prime Directive, "Every man for HIMSELF" and Its ancillary, "Dog eat Dog".  Here it is where the Primal SAVAGERY of ANIMAL Instinctuality is THE "Driving Force" of an Existence based upon PREDATORY NIHILISM , a Nihilism that predicates the "Law of the Jungle" >>>> "Eat or be Eaten".

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