Thursday, March 25, 2021

... a BOULDER on my shoulder...

 I single-handed-ly redefined  `Temple Ream Jobs`.  I SHOULD admit it wuz my ARROGANCE that caused the Master to get so PISSED-FUCKING-OFF at me , so much So that when he SHOUTED five inches from my face, flecks of his magma-spittle singed my cheeks.  I mean, RED-FACED MONSTER gets us close.  I mean I SHOULD Admit but in my defense, I wuz SURROUNDED by LESS-THANS.  I had a Degree, I had 2 FUCKING YEARS of Kung Fu in an ALL BLACK School, I'd swam D-1 and participated in the Penn State Relays.  It wuz THEY who should have bowed to MEEEEEE !

Here's a Noble Truth  >>>   THERE'S NO ROOM FOR EGO IN THE TEMPLE.

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