Tuesday, March 2, 2021

"No Thought, No Mind, No Self" The Zen of BORG

Understanding 'Loss of Individuality' can be enhanced by reminding everyone of the Pop Culture  TV Series "Star Trek  Next Generation".  You may recall the "BORG" with its infamous "Resistance is Futile".  The BORG Universe is one of 'Hive' "Collectivity" the one where the Needs of the Collective are THE 'Prime Directive'.  There are NO 'Individuals' in the Collective.  Here it is where 'Individual Freedom'--the Freedom To Be One's Self-- has been supplanted by the Collective in order to secure the Empiric Goal of Universe Dominance.  Here it is where one's WILL has been Excised, reducing Borg Entities to Automatons, i.e., human ROBOTS.  THIS is the Nature of Zuboff's what I will call 'Will-less' Existence, what she has determined, using "Big Other" reference, "Organism" Existence.  Zuboff decries the Loss of Humanity, when she bemoans, "Human Beings are reduced to Organisms".  This is but a kwik pitch from "I am NOT a `Number`" which was almost a WAR-CRY of the 70's.  Shoshana is my Age, she's one of "MY GE-GE GENERATION" so she should have augmented, "I am NOT a 'Data Stream' " to modernize that 70's doleful bale.

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