Monday, March 15, 2021


 You can see It rite ?  Instead of viewing the Bloody Insurrection of January 6 as a Bloody Insurrection--you can View it as a fucking JIHAD > A Crusade of Conservative FUNDAMENTALISTS who laid Siege to the Capitol as a   M A N I F E S T A T I O N  OF THEIR BELIEF IN THE OLD TESTAMENT (ANTEBELLUM) PAST.  It iz their FAITH that JUSTIFIES the Violence and Death.  Their BELIEF in the 'God' of Antebellum South is THE Origin of ALL Present Day Torment.  Here it is where DENIAL of Infidel Others' (Religious) Reality MUST be HARNESSED that THEIR Religion be ELEVATED to Governmental Status.  Here it is, where "The Rule of the MAJORITY" is BLASPHEME-ICLY PREPOSTEROUS, since it is THEIR God who is SUPERIOR in EVERY Way, Shape and Form.  

Democracy not only PROTECTS "Religious Freedom" It DEMANDS It as well.

You aint-gonna fuck with another man's religion,  not in America OR  Amerikka.

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