Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Slavery Is FREEDOM

 It MAY be Necessary for Uze-Gize to procure copies of Orwell's Animal Farm ("It's just that some of us are MORE Equal than others.") and, of course, 1984,  ("Freedom Is Slavery") .  My Ge-Ge Generation was `grown-uP` to Orwell's HATRED of Totalitarianism and by Association,  >Communism< .  Many of us BELIEVED that bc America had the A-Bomb and could OBLITERATE the entire PLANET,, No One would DARE to `fuck with us`.  Orwell's Prediction of Communist HORROR was taken with Dread but NOT with DIRE URGENCY.  Then came Kruschev and his MANIACAL "WE WILL BURY YOU"  which transformed an Entire Nation INSTANTLY.  

Maybe Orwell was Right.

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