Monday, March 15, 2021

Purified Insanity or Beat or be Beaten

 Religion is some fucked-uP Form of Industrialized Insanity.  Religion drives good, honest, and decent Folks into a Furtive Madness of Devotional Incongruity;   the One in which Death and Destruction DEMONSTRATES >>>>  Love <<<<< for an Invisible Absolute whose Very Existence cannot be Proven nor DIS-Proven .......... I mean shit............. let's live the Paradox.  What else can we do ?????

The Crusades and Jihads were Insanities that reached PANDEMIC Proportions, Hundred of Thousands sacrificed their Lives to Secure a God-Land of highly QUESTIONABLE Value.   Territorial Insanity.  

The God of Islam, Allah, is the SAME FUCKING GOD of Judaism, Since BOTH have ORIGINAL  Lineage through Abraham and HIS  God.  

America and AmeriKKKa  same Lineage through Columbus.  

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