Friday, March 26, 2021

The Times Of Long Since Past

 I wuz SUPPOSE-TA dig out all my Notes and Journal Entries from The Times Of Long Since Past--I never got there.  There was a Tyme when there would be enough Time to gather all the shit and Write a Something like Janwillem van der Wetering's  A Glimpse Of Nothingness.  His Book isn't 'bad' and isn't 'good'... his STORY is Terrific.  It's NOT that `my story` ISN'T `terrific` ,,,  it's just that if I combine it with Marc Fortin's, it is made un-touchable-ly RICH.  That's what I THINK I want to deliver ,, Spiritual TREASURE.

A WAAAAAAAY Long Time during Ago, I did a blog about "What are you gonna leave behind ?"  I wuz referring to your Obituary, Obit if you're lazy, ORBIT if your Qrayzee. What's gonnabe your Reputation?  What did you Contribute to the Advance of Earth's Planetary Civilization ?  Those Questions were suppose to trigger PENETRATIVE Introspection, the one where you Evaluate your Life with PAINSTAKING ACUITY.

On the Street is should be tagged "Mind Drilling".

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