Friday, March 26, 2021

Sword of No Sword


During this This Laundry was done, the Tools' Room Floor has been broom-ed and vac-d and I've managed  a  Cosmic Thank You.  When I leave here I'n still-gonna CONSIDER locating my Notes and Entries but before I go I will Introduce You Folks to Zen Master Warrior  Yamaoka Tesshu.

"Tesshu attained profound enlightenment at the age of forty-five and realized the inner principles of Swordsmanship, Zen, and calligraphy.  Tesshu became an extraordinarily versatile and prolific Master; a peerless Swordsman who established the SWORD-OF-NO-SWORD School; a wise and compassionate Zen Teacher in the Tekisui Tradition and an unrivaled calligrapher who gathered all things of heaven and earth in his brush."

I want THAT .

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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