Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 Elsewhere I have proffered Argument that not only is the Global Internet one  of Deleterious Acommo- dation it is one of Pernicious Aggrandizement.  Somehow, (actually we KNOW how),  our Privacy has been insidiously REMOVED from our Awareness of Health and Well-Being.  We 'make Public' ALL our PRIVATE Matters when we use the Internet to text, message, post and e-mail, Matters that are then 'rendered' into Data that is VACUUMED by Big Tech, Shoshana's "Big Other", and which is then USED against us in such a way as to INFLUENCE our PERSONAL Decision Making.  

Young Folks considered to be 'Modern' have been ADDICTED to their Cells and On Line Transmissions.  This THIS was EXACTLY the CONFESSED Intent of "BIG OTHER" whose sole Intent is a Capitalism which subsumes the Global Universe.  

How many of you CANNOT Live without glancing at your Cell a MILLION times a day ?

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