Joe Biden aint gonna SOLVE a Religious Dilemma. What exists in the Un-tied States is, in actuality, Identical to Democratic Imperialism and Hegemony being Inflicted upon the Muslim Civilization AND AFRICA AT LARGE >> War and Eternal CONFLICT resulting. The CRUSADE continues. The JIHAD is upon us.
AmeriKKKanism remains ENTRENCHED in Old Testament Antebellumism in the EXACT SAME WAY that the Muslim Civilization is Entrenched in Ancient Mohammedanism but NOT the Good One, the Pre-Hajj Mohammedanism, but the POST Hajj one of WAR, and Virtue DESECRATION.
In the Same Way that Mohammed 'had to' use WAR to Purge Nomadic Paganism from 'his' Lands thereby PROVING the POWER of Allah, so it was with Abraham Lincoln who also sought out War to PROVE the Superiority of HIS God, Democracy.
Consider... .
Pitter patter I think I hear the sound of children’s thoughts in my head , or am I imagining a 1960’s tv show exposing the condition of the world . While one has no subjective opposition to these views , it is remembered that they can also be seen on cereal box’s , get out much?