I spent a good portion of Yesterday putting tools away and even modifying a few so that they could be secured with Ease as opposed to Aesthetic. When the Tools' Room becomes Museum there are Psycho-Kinetic problems that manifest as Ergonomic Derangement. It's when Art Inhibits Function. Sure your Drills LOOK GOOD when their cords are neatly wound, but when you NEED 'just now' Access and you must untangle the cord I almost always `end-up` wanting to take a fucking hatchet to said cord and using IT to flail my own back. "Whip it --- whip it GOOD ! " I MUST BE PUNISHED FOR CREATING CLUSTERFUCK TURMOIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not many grown-ass MEN are gonna leave their drill 'plugged-in' --- I mean I don't WANT to either >> but some times 'just now' MEANS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMMEDIATELY.
So it is that I suffer ----- and Suffer greatly.
Wisdom of the toad and the frog of Buddhist lore, the pond of suffering is that which one sits upon and the other circles,,, both Dogen and Nichiren used their lore,I see that change ain’t change till I suffer it is wrapped up in these creatures and their sentient proclivities