Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 The Challenge of not only Introducing Zen as the REPLACEMENT for Biblical Governing Influence but because so much of American 'familiarity' is by way of Japanese Arts, in the forms of 'Flower Arranging' and the 'Tea Ceremony' and the rest of the Popular Artsy-Fartsy Depictions of a Samadhi that takes YEARS of Unremitting Practice to attain, it is EXTRAORDINARILY difficult in that Zen requires, nay, Demands some Knowledge of Mahayana Buddhist Principles which themselves resemble those of Quantum Mechanics.  You can see the Problem.

Issuing Zen as "Spiritual Common Sense" isn't likely to aid The Main-Stream-Main-River Citizenry into Resolving that the Status Quo MUST undergo CATACLYSMAL Change.  Since the Present Status Quo is 'all we know', there is abject SAFETY as well as abject SECURITY in Maintaining the Status Quo AS IT IS >>> DESPITE its unremitting effluence of Corruption, Deceit and Deception >> Suffering Resulting.

I HATE 'Change'.  Many of Us do.

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