Sunday, March 14, 2021

"Dried Shit on a Stick"

 On my Reminder Board in the Tools' Room I have, in Legible Printing,  >  "DON'T bite Off MORE than you can chew" and beneath it, in hastily frenzied scrawl,  "Because you'll choke".  

I can't erase it, I know I should, I mean I GET IT !!  Geezus KRYST do I GET IT !            Still.............

There aint no `Dealership` for RACISM in Zen.  The Truth found in Zen is SUPPOSE to be "The ABSOLUTE" meaning, "Phenomena themselves ARE THE ABSOLUTE" where the Absolute is Code for REALITY.  Zen is SUPPOSE to be an ADHERENCE to Reality. This is the What and HOW of Reality which then claims Truth AS Experiential Reality.  Technically, Truth IS AN EXPERIENCE.

You can See and FEEL how DIFFICULT it becomes when good, honest and decent folks become POSSESSED by Cultist Fabrications and Sorcerer Machinations.  Folks do not like the Truth.  It gets in the way of Pleasure.  Reality as TRUTH  becomes Terror-Fyingly UNBEARABLE.   Believe it.

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