Thursday, March 18, 2021

In Gaud We Lust

 I must introduce the Concept of Truth Fluidity.  In This, Truth is NOT just Facts where facts are stagnate Isolationists, that are sometimes merely strung together to express (poorly) the Fluidity of Thought Generation.  I must insist that IF Thoughts are Fluid THEN so must be Truth.  Here Truth then becomes a Dynamic, a Tension between Affirmation and Negation [ Truth  IZ   or   It   IZN'T ].  

I present the Dynamic that Whites have REPRESSED their Hatred of Black Folk because they View Black Folks AS THE CAUSE OF THE DEATHS OF SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND WHITE FOLK.  Further, there is a Continuity where Confederates were Fighting for THE ORIGINAL AMERICA, the America of SLAVE OWNERSHIP by RECOGNIZED White Educated ELITISTS upon whose Names and Forms the American IDENTITY was Established as SUPERIOR.

Confederates at this Degree MUST be considered THE ORIGINAL PATRIOTS.

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