Wednesday, March 17, 2021

"The Answer, my Friend, is blowing in the Wind."

 I awoke from a Dream in which I was part of an Assembly that wuz to Receive the Dharma via Several Individuals of which I wuz one.  I recall feeling DISTINCTLY Uncomfortable, 'Zen Rally" is oxy-moronic  and why on EARTH did I think I wuz Qualified to extend ANY `Flower` ?   I persecute my Self with Self-Doubt, indeed, I have rather SUPERIOR Self-Doubt, I mean it's fucking WORLD CLASS.  As my `stage time` neared I sought Escape.  I made my way through the Sanga as unobtrusively as I could but when I reached the Rear Exit there were Old Students who recognized my Cowardice -----  One forlorned,  "Why are you leaving ?"   I had no answer --- then I awoke.

1 comment:

  1. Unrelenting self doubt affords the reality of constant change to escape suffering at the hands of personal opinion.don’t know penetrates as intent which surfaces as volition,simple or complex (don’t know)
