Thursday, March 18, 2021

Psycho Delphic

You can see it rite ?  As the Pandemic Death Toll Reaches that of Civil War CATASTROPHE one can't help but view that Pandemic as MODERN DAY MANIFESTATION of  `The War FOR Equality`.   Look at what has come to Issue in America ---------> Voting Rights ESPECIALLY for Those of Slave `Identity` whose Skin Color SIGNIFIES the ABSENCE of  JUSTICE --- the One of Constitutional Guarantee.  

I've warned you Kidz, the Divine Intelligence has a MORBID Sense Of Humor.  It is As IF the Inoculate WASN'T just for Protection (a SCIENTIFIC MIRACLE if ever there wuz one) but along with that Protection the Inoculate `iz/wuz like' some sort of PSYCHO-DELPHIC Mind-Exp-a--n---d----i-----ng DRUG that RELEASED Endorphins of Equality further enhanced by the Insurrection of January 6.

Inoculate as LSD   ---   anyone see THAT coming ????

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