Sunday, March 14, 2021

"I'm A Soul Man, Yes I am."

 When Joe Biden announced that he wuz-gonna try and "Save The Soul Of America" I had a "Santana" Moment >> "All around Nature's Dance just for me". (My Italics).  Here, "Nature" was (of course) HUMAN Nature, and I figured  >> FINALLY<<  the World has "come" to MEEEEEE.  Because I WANTED some Version or Iteration of "Spirituality" to be Infused into the American Consciousness (Or maybe Conscience is a better Descriptive) I felt RYTE at Home.  Here it is where Spirituality not only Accepts 'Mysticism' as a BONAFIDE Attribute, It somehow SANCTIONS "Miraculous Happenstance".  Obviously, once you can accept Miracles, the Introduction of COSMIC Socio-Political Interplay becomes Relevant as "Naturally Occurring".   It's "WIN-WIN" for me.         At least, I thought it to be.

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