Monday, March 1, 2021


 Normally it takes a couple of days to assimilate a Book's Information, long enough to establish a Framework or Build a Scaffolding upon and from which to Examine the Author's Message.  That's my 'Job' as Uze-Gize well know.  Zuboff's Masterpiece,  THE AGE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM  ~~~  THE FIGHT FOR A HUMAN FUTURE AT THE FRONTIER OF POWER ,  iz no Leisurely Jaunt from the Known to the Unknown, it's an EXPLORATION of the HERE & NOW .  Zuboff's MIND iz a Combination of Electron Microscope and 'Hubble' Reflecting Telescope, the One of Sub-Atomic AND Inter-GALACTIC Acuity, `trained` upon the Infinitesimal AND Future Time-Space CONCURRENTLY.  She manifests her SUPER-NORMAL Energies with SUPER-NATURAL Ease.  Her SCIENCE is delivered with Freudian Devotion to Sentence Structures, almost all FOUR lines l----o----n----g, that present her Thoughts as Concrete Blocks as though she iz a Master Free-Mason at task  ,,  Building a Galaxy-Size Cathedral SUPER-Structure.   MAGNIFICENCE   Doesn't approach >>>>>IT.

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