Monday, March 15, 2021

Industrialized Bigotry

 Half the American Nation isn't even American, it's AmeriKKKan.  Racism and a predominance of Industrialized Bigotry exists as Institution, where Institution iz Code for Ultimate Reality.  You can see feel and hear Difficulty being experienced as Grind, where Grind is Solipsistical Obsession.  Difficulty arises as I try to Impose MY Zen Reality as Remedy for a Delusion I have identified as THE Reality for AmeriKKKa.  I strongly OPPOSE their `Reality` because it is devoid of Universal Compassion, i.e., an Understanding of the True Nature of Humanity, the One where Each and Every `Single` is DIRECTLY connected to Each and Every OTHER Single by Arithmetic (Indisputable) Lineage.  We were supplied with Human Form one at a time, the Human Race did NOT "Just appear".  

1 + 1 = 2.   I THINK we can All agree on THAT.

Here's the Problem of Opposing Realities.  For AmeriKKKans 1 + 1 does NOT equal 2.

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