Friday, March 26, 2021

Edgar Allen Poem

Common among devout geezers of Ancient and Olden Tymes  wuz the Willingness to provide "Testament" , a something on the Order of, WITNESS OF GOD'S GLORY ~~~ MY LIFE AS TESTAMENT.  I sure-as-shit ain't-gonna `get` THAT Far,  but STILL there remains Obligatory BENEFIT if your Something SERVES, in WHAT-EVER its Manifestation.  

Is it not Written, "To Serve and BE Served are folds in the same Garment." ?  We have a Duty to "Pay our Dues."

...Which brings us to Zen Master Kim's Bequeath-ment >>>>> Zen Sword of course and,  to my mind, completely fucked-uP, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  83,000 poems.  

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