Thursday, March 25, 2021

Smelling is Believing

 I spent 8 hours wrestling an over 6 foot by 4 foot by 2 1/2 foot Boulder Parallelogram ::  It's the First Noble Truth in a Configuration I've Devoted to and named >  The 4 Noble Truths Cluster <  The 2nd Noble Truth is already in Place -- I'd jacked that some Time ago.  Half of that `Truth` is Rose Quartz.  `Stunning` gets us to 'There'.  While I wuz `Wrangling` I wuz working on whether or not to Eulogize Zen Sword Master Chang Sik Kim who entered the Void March 12th.  When I Googled his Status I learned that he'd Devoted his Time to Writing Poetry entered in some 12 Books with an 83,000 Tally.  It wuz Disconcerting to say the LEAST.  My Hero, Zen Master Miyamoto Musashi spent HIS Life at Sword but HE Wrote A BOOK OF FIVE RINGS.  You can see my Problem, I mean you can SMELL the Problem.  I lived in his Temple, the 1st One, the One on Boylston Street, for 11 and a half MONTHS,, at NO Time did he display ANY proclivity toward Poetry, not ONE word.  

"Something is rotten in Denmark".

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