Monday, March 1, 2021

The Waste Land

There are two titles that are PERFECT for "What Lies Ahead", they are,    ITS EVEN WORSE THAN IT LOOKS  and  IT'S EVEN WORSE THAN YOU THINK.  The former is written by Thomas E Mann and Norman J. Ornstein , the later by David Cay Johnston.   "Chicken Little's" The Threat of Global Implosion comes from the Invisible Realm;  not only will we NOT see what hit us, we won't know how it KILLS us.  Thing iz ITS HAPPENING TO US EVEN AS I TYPE THESE WORDS !  "Tuesday" snarls, "Be Afraid, be VERY Afraid."  

Elsewhere I have cast that we are SURROUNDED.  The "Truth" has been DE-Sanctified to such an extent that No One can Trust ANYBODY or ANYTHING.  "Living the Lie" has ascended to a SENSATIONAL Narrative of Existence.  Indeed, Lies and Deceit, are the Essence of Corruption.  "One thing leads to another" and "Next thing you know" We're livin'  in the Wasteland of Democracy BELIEVING "We are in control of our Future".  Well, we ARE and we're NOT.  Not Unless we start changing NOW !!

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