Friday, October 29, 2021

To be a Simpleton

         The last Obstruction, that of the Illusion of Perpetual Self as Cozmic Absolute, is literally obliterated when Tommy's Mom "Smashes" the Mirror.  Tommy's Enlightenment is now Complete.  He Proclaims, "I'M FREE".

        So now the Work of Divine Tranmission begins.  Tommy's Ministry uses the Practice of PinBall and the Teaching of Deaf Dumb and Blind SIMPLICITY to advance the Attainment of Universal Mind OneNess.  We must view Sally Simpson as Everyman's MIS-IDENTIFICATION of Tommy as EARTHLY Savior in EXACTLY the Same Way that Jesus was perceived as Promised Warrior God, the One who would FREE Israel from Roman Rule.  

        The Opera concludes with Tommy's stern admonition that, "We're not gonna take it" --the "it" being the use of booze and drugs and the "mister normal" Conscious of Status Quo inertia. 



"His eyes transmit all he knows"

         Nothing has changed.  However, Inward Illumination IS experienced as Outward BRILLIANCE when Tommy is positioned before the Champion's "favorite table".  The Champ extols, "He stands like a statue/BECOMES PART OF THE MACHINE" .     Now we see Tommy as Pure ONE.  The Table an Altar of Mind/Body Harmony.  The Champ concedes---Tommy has no Equal.    

        The "IT" of PinBall Wizardry is NOT `enough`.  Tommy''s plight as Freak and Mute remains MONSTROUS Feature of DIRE Parental Concern.   From and out-of the Unknown, Tommy's Father eurekas, "I'VE FOUND A DOCTOR WHO CAN CURE THE BOY" !!   The fetid stench of quack shit fills the air when the "Doctor" scoundrels, "All hope lies with him and NONE with me."  Flummoxed he is,, by dint of abject incompetence.   Last ditch effort becomes GENIUS Revelation when he resorts, "Go to the mirror boy---Go to the Mirror".  

        One Word :   Uh Oh.

Fiddle Riddle

         In the background of the Underture you will hear Moon's use of Symphonic Kettle Drums.  Generally, kettle drums are used to produce the sounds of rolling Thunder, itself a signal of Cozmic or Divine Turbulance.  As critical analysts we MUST turn to the end of the Opera in order to understand Uncle Ernie as an ENLIGHTEND Disciple of Tommy.  The Underture is, by my measure, the Music of Confrontation, nothing less than Jacob's Combat with God's Angel.  We are hearing the Battle of Wills, the One where Divinity is masked and cloaked by Wicked-Ness.  Moral Perversion meets Enlightend Purity.  The Underture advances rigorous Movement, the Wrestling, with the employment of said kettle drums and the whisps of a Melody that MAY be considered the eventual narrative/theme of Victory Over Evil.  Indeed, by the time we get to the 13th "Fiddle" there has been a NU Meaning of "Fiddle".  It is Tommy who now `plays` that 'Fiddle' NOT the once-Evil Uncle Ernie.  

Ass Id

         I would LOVE to exercize authorial perogative and describe the Acid Queen with LSD 'attributes' thereby making the "Amazing Journey an Acid "Trip".  Scholastic imperative denies me this option.  We MUST ask, "Why is Gypsy the Acid Queen ?"  We understand acid to be a Corrosive Agent, but in this context,, What is being corroded ?   The answer is not obscure.  Gypsy victories Accomplisment by addressing [He is] "Young but not a child".  [Her] Sex has corroded ALL Aspects of Purity, the so-called 'Innocence of Youth' thereby rendering Tommy as one of the Experienced.  Further, Gypsy PRIDES, "I'll tear your soul apart."  The corrosion of Purity is NOT cataclysmically Destructive, quite the opposite.  The COZMIC Corrosion of Earthly Purity FREES Tommy from All That Bind Us to Earth allowing the Amazing Journey to position us in the Celestial Realm of Cozmic Oneness.  She defends herself, "Your mind must learn to roam."  Clearly her Success was Worth the "Pay before we start".


         The Bless-ed One is described as being 'set-upon' by an Army of Demon/Monsters, Mara, the Evil One's, Effort to Dis-Courage the Almost Buddha from persevering and attaining The Supreme.  "Cousin Kevin" is manifestation of Mara's First Effort and Tommy is assaulted by Cousin Kevin's henious most hideous Verbal Assaut.  Tommy is Unmoved, Self Protected (we must assume) by his newly attained Awareness.

        Mara tries again to subvert Buddh'a Pure Intention To Know, by subjecting the Buddha-To-Be with ALL Aspects of Female Allure.  The Buddha is SURROUNDED by Feminine Influences, the Promise of Earthly Perfection guaranteed by Ultimate Orgasmal Lust.  Enter the "Acid Queen" with 'flouish'.   Unlike the Buddha, Tommy is PHYSICALLY ravaged by Gypsy, and True to her Word, Tommy is TRANS-FORMED.  Recall "the Hawker's" Claim of HIS Beauty's "Magic" ---"Every time she start's to lovin'/She brings eyesight to the blind".  



         It is imperative for OUR Understanding to observe the true Nature of Tommy's Inner World.  In schizophrenic conclusion Tommy says of himself, "Ten years old/With thoughts as bold as thoughts can be/Loving Life and becoming wise/In simplicity".  Tommy then affirms, "Sickness will surely take the mind/Where minds don't usually go./Come on the amazing journed/And learn all you should know."

        Tommy sits inside the Realm of Catatonic Samadhi, "holding" onto a Belief that Life itself will supply Wisdom and his Faith becomes manifested in Psychological Reality when "All at once a tall stranger I suddenly see."  This "Stranger" is Tommy's True Self, a Wisdom Master recognized because of his "Golden Beard" which "...flows/Nearly down to the ground".  Total Recognition idntifies him as "...he is your leader/And he is your guide"  the substantive Forecast of Tommy's Elevation to Pin Ball MASTER and Teacher of  Deaf, Dumb and Blind Simplicity.

        But there is "trouble in Paradise".  Tommy ISN'T "Done", far from it.


         So now we must superimpose the more tradtional description of the Method of Enlightenment upon "Tommy" that we may fully appreciate ALL Aspects and Relevance of the true Nature of Enlightenment which includes the Pre-Conditions that foundation the "Amazing Journey".  We are NOT `going all the way Back` to Buddha's Contmination-by-the-Outside-World but rather designate THAT `Contamination` as  COZMIC Psychological Truama.  So it is with Tommy, who is Traumatzed by an EARTHLY Moral Atrocity which causes him to reach a 'Safe Zone' of Waking Catatonia.  Tommy is "Deaf, Dumb and Blind", a Mute, for all intents and purposes, a Freak of Nature.  

        Recall Bulddh'a Meditative State. For 6 years he renouced the Outside World to exist in the Realm of Deepest Samadhi, all the While 'holding' the Question, "What is this".  This Samadhi is rendered as Necessary if one is to attain even minimalist Understanding, indeed, it is the "Heart Sutra" that is utilized by most Disciplines to help achieve true Stillness and Stability.  Here it is where, "No eyes, no ears, no nose, no touch" can be applied to Tommy's `Mute` Condition.  Tommy is 'primed' to receive Understanding.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


         We arrive at the Doctor's Office and within seconds the Doctor confirms that he, the doctor, is pathetically in-astute.  "His eyes can see, his ears can hear.... and yet......."  We KNOW that Tommy is a Pin Ball Wizard --we heard it with our own two ears.  But Mom and the doc   poor Poor POOR them.

         From the Emerald Beyond there is heard "GO TO THE MIRROR   BOY".

         Here it is where Tommy sees his True Self for the first time in CORPOREAL Reflective Reality.

         Tom calls out "SEE ME    FEEL ME   TOUCH ME    HEAL ME".

         Uh oh.   Tom is caught INSIDE his Image.  His Beauty has paralyzed him.

          From the Distance is heard      "Hey you fucking IDIOTS    SMASH THE MIRROR".

          Tommy returns and in ecstatic Self Awareness he exalts          I AM FREE  !!!!




          Thus far the "Amazing Journey" has been Revolutionarily TOMultuous.  We have outvisioned Tommy's Inner Majesty, his KING; endured Cousin Kevin's "Space Invasion" ; sustained the Siren Exploitation of     "Her Majesty's Secret Service"    and withstood Uncle Ernie's Deprivation of Human Decency.   You'd think, and even want to Believe, that there MUSTBE some unfurling of the Ribbon of Time BEFORE the PRE-Verbial `Something else`.   Instead we are "TILT-ED" left then rite then up then down as Tommy the About-to-be Wizard is guided in by his Disciples who MUST HAVE    'SEEN'  him  as Pin Ball Wizard in advance of this Contest, is positioned before his Altar.  

        DURING Tom's "Player One" expediency Tommy's Enlightenment is fully Revealed.  His Enlightenment is nothing but SUSTAINED ONENESS with the Table now actualized as Ritual Altar.  So alarming is the Scene that the Defending Champ gasps [He must] Play by INTUITION.  He aint seen nothin' like him.   "The Digit Counters Fall" like the doubts and challenges of the Conspiracy-ridden.  

        For the Chosen Elect there can BE   "NO DOUBT"   and yet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


         You gotta figure that Cousin Kevin is son of Uncle Ernie, just "on-accounta".  There's more than a `something` with regard to Mom's abandonment of Parental Scrutiny because she drops Tom into Uncle Ernie's Bedroom Lap.  `This Time` there is guarded UN-Certainty as to the true Nature of Uncle Ernie's moral deprivations, predatory occu-pense its subversive manifestation.  "Down with the bed clothes, up with your night shirt "  but then what ?   Pete's hits us with a barrage of "Fiddle" (s)  until me MUST attend that Fiddle is a wee wee bit more than Fondle.    Pete abandons us listeners as Tom's Mom abandons him.                                         

Masterful      like       for SURE.

Tommy Gunned

         It takes just 3 minutes and thirty-five seconds for the Acid Queen to proclaim her Primal Status as "The One, The ONLY" who can Free Tommy of his Colonic Prison of Sensory In-expression.  She is granted ULTIMATE Privation, after which she claims Untoward SUCCESS.  We hear her "I-TOLD-YOU-I-COULD-DO-IT"   GLEE, as she snarls,  "Watch his Body riSE".   Indeed, we listen to Pete's Underture with unceremonious OVATION -- while experiencing the wonderlust exhaustion that only ABJECT SATIATION  can afford.  We've been Acid Queened----Tommy Gunned.


The SIN in Cou-Sin

 Scared, we are, SHITLESS  from Cousin Kevin's Litany of  Bully-birthed,   "Home Alone"  Atrocities.  It is absolutely IMPERATIVE to correctly apprehend that NOTHING HAPPENS.  The Assault is one of INTENTION.  Our Tommy IS "Space Invaded" but it is a Combo of Physical and Mental VIBRATION with which he is exposed.  Cousin Kevin's pernicious Bio Metrics can do NOTHING but release a Tactile BODY Sensation in Tommy.  For ALL of his Inner Majesty,, Tommy remains Victim of a Corporeal World that identifies the Physical as Real yet diminishes the Mental Sensation of Aggravated Assault as a Non-Violent, barely discern-able Something Else.  


         A Freak is born unto Mr. and Mrs. Walker.  At 10 years old, he still remains Deaf, Dumb and Blind.  Fate, Karma, and Destiny intervene, better expressed as INTERVENE, one day.  Tommy 'receives' an Inner Vision of himself as Ordained Master of the [Inner] Universe, that of Tommy's OWN.  This event occurs early in the Opera only 4 Songs in.  In the "Amazing Journey"  the Words lyric a non-apparent Cozmic Absolute  =  "SimpleNess   will surely take the mind where minds don't usually go".   Tommy is, by every STANDARD MEANS, a "Simpleton", being definitive because he is Deaf, Dumb and Blind,,,  the so-called Mute.  Sad I am to tag him as MUTE-Tation.  Parental Concern has already been established with the Pleading Cry of "What about the boy" .   Distraught hardly approaches the Idealized HopelessNess of Tommy' most Public  plight as "The Great Excluded".  His Mom (?)  Listens to "The Hawker's" Horizon of Indelicate Attribution of  Female Finality, i.e., the Promise of Orgasmal Oblivion  --------> "Awakening" <----------  Resulting . " 'Ho' lee PHUCK  he may be RITE "  gets us to Appreciation's  "Almost There", where 'there' is his Mom's receptivity to TRY anything in order to Free her son from the External Closet of Hyper-Static Autism.  



         If I wuz any good, like AT ALL, I wouldn't have to ask you to PURCHASE Tommy as part of your Music Appreciation Old School.   Do it anyway.  Tommy is BILLBOARD BENCH MARK of Rock and Rolls Entry into Civilization-al  Splendor.  If you're like me (and I hope you are NOT) you haven't yet Valued the Classic Symphonics.  Personally I CAN'T STAND  listening to string-heavy Baroque Opulence----  I listen to Mozart's "Magic Flute" MAYBE once every three years---Yes  I'm THAT bad.  Now Tommy on the other hand,,  I can do THAT once a DAY ~~~~ with Deliberative EASE.   

        Tommy is Pete Townshend's Enlightenment.  Believe it.  On board this Vessel of Operatic Ocean Going is 'Sonny Boy' Williamson who wrote "Eyesight to The Blind (The Hawker)" ; John Entwistle who penned "Cousin Kevin" and "Fiddle About" and Keith Moon who fulled "Tommy's Holiday Camp".  

        Now there's the Music and then there's the Words.  Truth, ABSOLUTE TRUTH Resonates as BOTH.  Keep in mind that this Truth is from Creation, the Mind of Pete who is Bringing Full Real Manifestation of Inspirational Activity.   Believe me when I profess my LOVE of Pete and his MASTERY of his own Enlightenment.  Zen Masters sometimes MUST endure a SECOND Hundred Day Retreat in order to gain Communicative Authority,,,, learning HOW to Speak of the Impossible UnSpeakable.    After Seung Sahn's 2nd Hundred Day Retreat, when asked what he had Attained, his Words were, "CAW  CAW CAW"  (the cries of a crow) .   His Teacher was DELIGHTED !!!!!!!!

      Now THAT'S Communication Zen Style.   Fortunate we are that Pete went Idyllic Baroque.

Tom Me

         I want to utilize the Rock Opera "Tommy" to mainline Recognition --- I want to shoot straight into your  Temple  vis-a-vis  Hendrix and  his  Crystal  Meth.  You  can  see  the  problem  `straightaway`.  1969 is as ANCIENT as Ancient can get---I risk Complete WHATTHEFUCK because of its AGE.  But what [the fuck]  are my options ?   If I don't utilize "Tommy" I forfeit Personalization, in that I MUST then resort to the Dry-est of Dry    __________     DESERT  depictions of Zen Enlightenments that defy Common Sense Rationality although they Describe in totality the Attainment of Spiritual Perfection.  'Boring' delivers  a brain slap with ritual pugnacity.  How many of us have endured Darwins'  The Origin of Species  simply  because  it  was  legend-ed ?   Well, I too want to be `legend-ed` but NOT with the grate designation of near death Thirst.          

      Trust me on this....  I have AGONIZED whether or not the Use of Tommy is AB-Use.   Finally, after  15,271, check that, 15,272 listenings, I determined I have NO Recourse save the Use of Tommy to supply IT as Scaffolding upon which we can stand to survey all Aspects of Enlightenment.  

"I" - Dentification

         What follows are excerpts from a scholarly tract I may never write.  No matter.  I am loathe to value my own discrimination(s) finding them criminal atbest*atworst subjective parings from stolen and forbidden fruits of Someone Else's Toil.  The Quest for Currency and Relevance is particularly Cruel for someone such as myself, whose Adamantine Wish is for Diamond Clarity and a Vibratory Harmonic -- a Both that presents as Intelligence from a Cozmic Order--- It is the Cruelty of The Promise of Pure Intention denied by Conditional Actuality which then results in a `Grasping` for anything that can promote Significant Understanding, which itself may obscure Comprehension and of course neutralize Apprehension.  

        Elsewhere I have attributed the Failure of Zen Buddhism to establish Itself in the United States because on its stubborn insistence on relying upon its Ancient Traditions to OVERPOWER existing Thought Constructs, Political Ideologies and Religious Psycho-Dynamic Perversions.  Clearly, 'What-worked-in-the-Past' has produced only nominal Advance.  Here's the Deal ==  In America, what establishes and maintains Identity is that of "Celebrity", brilliantly Recognized by Pirsig in his Masterpiece.  Celebrity arises from "I"-dentification  --  Folks I-dentifiy themselves with an Individual or Mental Construct that ACTS as Mirror .  Folks see themselves in this Mirror and they LIKE what they see.  Here it is where Cinema and Pop Culture in their Most General Aspects, provide AFFIRMATION to one's own Existence thereby establishing the Authority of "I AM".  "I see myself on TV and in the Movies therefore I AM.  

        Hold onto the Concept of Mirror as you continue reading.



Thursday, October 21, 2021

From Marc : Oct. 16 5:13 p.m.

 The decrement in the current flow is determined by plotting the relative reduction in the amplitude of potentials over distance  Vx = Vo e-x/L.   Voltage response along the axon voltage charge at the injection point,,, natural logarithm 2.7 f length constant of the axon.passive current flow spreads before it leaks out of the axon the plasma membrane is enhanced through continuation of Sword practice both outer and improve passive flow of current along the axon the plasma membrane should be as high as possible and resistances if the exoplanet and extra cellular medium should be low, so put it all down and only go straight just do it.

If this isn't a Fuck You Stephen you are so IGNORANT then what IS it ?????  

Wednesday, October 20, 2021



        I must leave this This here.  Forgive me, please. 

        Be advised that Salvation is CONSTRUCTED in the exact same way as house and shed.  In some instances, just acquiring the Tools of Necessity requires not only      VAST        Vigil-lence but unerring Good Fortune as well.  Blessings abound as do Curses.  Saints, Sinners, Angels and Demons are sometimes Foes sometimes Enemies that can wield Untold Horror as easily as Whispered Kisses  such is the Nature of the so-called "Vital Transformation".  

      Here it is where the Exhortation  "DO NOT GIVE UP"     MUST reverberate in one's Consciousness like a Church's tintinnabulation.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

The Church of One's Self

          I beg you Kidz NOT to misconstrue Salvation for "Resort" as in Holiday Resort, nor is the designation "Last Resort" applicable.  As I have stated above, Salvation is a MENTAL `regard`.  In this Aspect, one is Safe to image a 'Church',, as in, the Church of One's Self.  This THIS is similar to the Conception of  Gym as Temple, wherein us Body-Builders Worship  Exercise  as the Vehicle for Body Transformation.  Here,  'Gym'  is Sacred Space , a Sacred Space of RITUAL ACTIVITY.  So it is with `Salvation` ---  A Location for RITUAL ACTIVITY with Transformation the Ultimate Goal of  Applied Spirituality.  

Buddha's Last Words

        At this point in the `Endeavor` I've resigned myself to at least ATTEMPT an Effort to use my present Condition as Valuated Salvation, and I do so because of Buddha's Last Words with which He answered a frantic Monk's "What will we DO once You have Left us ?"  with  "Each one of you must find your own Salvation."  With THAT    He was GONE.

        Salvation, here, can be identified as a MENTAL Location of Security which I have elsewhere tagged as Surety.  Here it is where this Location is marked by Sanctity.  This "IT" is Affirmation of "All Life is Sacred" INCLUDING One's Own.  This ~Here~ is not without the predatory afflictions of Old Age, Sickness, and the Rest of the 12 Sufferings.  BUT, within this Realm lies the PROMISE of  a `Wellness` that ACCEPTS these Sufferings by tagging them as NOBLE.   Suffering is the LOT of the Human Condition, we are ` Born to Die`  as surely as grass is green and a cloudless sky   blue.  


Truth as Belief in one's Honesty


        I sat in Chairy-Chair wandering in the Texas-size Dump that is the Expanse of Sensational Debris.  I had awaken into a deploration (deplorable Action of unwillingness) of Writing Necessity.  I certainly DON'T want to believe that I'd somehow (inadvertently) "Given my Word" to the Divine Infinite to RELIGIOUSLY Record the Information Download DELUGE of Cozmic B--r--o--a--d-cast.  Here it is where Self-Interest MUST be jettisoned if "Word" is to be Honored.  Am I an Honorable Man or am I NOT ?????  .     Tough One....................

        Almost instantaneously I was enveloped by a Cloud of Biblical-Ality [Biblical Reality] that took the Shape of  "The Gospel of John".  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."   The Universe has a way of   `manipulation by lash and cudgel`   that GUARANTEES an Intellectual Discomfort brought about by Conditioned Ethics and a Bloodlust for The Trust in Honest Exposition.  

   I sat in Chairy-Chair quite paralyzed.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Quantum Sword

         Calibrating Energy as Invisible Force serves to aid Confusion rather than promote Comprehension.  We're  not-gonna  discharge  it  summarily  however,  but  we  MUST  'adjust'  the Viewpoint to receive   a  W----i----d----e----r   Proximity.  Let's remove "Study" and replace it with 'Practice' thereby inserting a MECHANICAL Relevance whereby "Reinforcement" can be seen as a PHYSICAL Adjunct of Spirituality.  Perhaps now we can correctly perceive Martial Arts Spirituality as either an APPLICATION or a HARNESSING of Universal Energy, properly designated as the TAO.   Now the "IT" looks this way >>>  Martial Arts is the Application and Harnessing of Universal Energy with  Self Defense  as it's   PHYSICAL   Manifestation  and the  Goal  of  Cozmic  ONENESS  as it's MENTAL Aspiration.   

        I'm gonna let this simmer until the spices marry.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Quantum Bosal

      I've yet to erase, `...animating Force of Universal Existence` from the upper left of the Thought Wall.  

I attached 'Energy' to "Breath of Life" to see how that looked, thereby making Force >  Energy.  It actually DID look promising.  We are heralded to "The FORCE of Nature".  Spirit as THE "Force of Nature" but where 'Nature' is held to be the Totality of Universal POWER, that of Life and Death and all that exists In Between.  The Ancient Chinese and us Modern Ancients adhere to Lao Tzu's   TAO   as THE ESSENTIAL PRIMARY of Universal Motion, the so-called    "Un-Moved Mover"  .   However, 'energy' itself becomes "a  Shadow  in  the  Dark"  in  SPITE  of  its characteristic   `luminescence`.   Quantum Mechanics has identified  "Dark Matter" as that which binds ALL atomic and sub-atomic activity (The Universe of ALL Phenomena).  You can see the Problem.  Shit  a ROCKET SCIENTIST can see the Problem.  I'm no Rocket Scientist but I PLAY a Quantum Mechanics Physicist in my head.  I call THIS self  Quantum Bosal.


        The Latin supplies  "spiritus"  literally,  "breath" .  Merriam and Webster impose, "... an animating or vital principal held to give life to physical organisms".  We have been exposed to the so-called "Breath of Life",  [a] `That` which the 'Maker Of All Things', 'gave' to Adam according to Moses's Genesis.  I mean, it's something but clearly, for my measure, rue-fully inadequate.  Remember Kidz, I `divine` BOULDERS to possess INCALCULABLE Spirit, the Spirit of Time Immemorial, a Spirit of TRANSCENDENTAL Wisdom, that only Duration can Sanction as Un-Tell-able Reality.  Understand  'telling'  to be "carrying great weight and producing marked effect".         Yup          THAT.

 There can be NO justification for employing 'Breath' to valuate an Existence of Profound Im-Movability.  How can it be, then, that Martial Arts is said to be of Spiritual Refinement ?   Soldiers and Warriors are said to Possess the so-called "Fighting Spirit".  Indeed, both Tenacity and Ferocity are regarded as abject Aspects of a "Spirited Nature".  Great Fighters as well as Great Men are said to Possess SPIRIT in    V----A----S----T    Quantity, a CLEARLY Recognizable VIRTUE that Signals Devotion, Commitment and SACRIFICE.   

Exactly how did THAT shit  'get there'  ?????



Cyn City

         Yesterday, I chalked the word  'Spiritual'  up-onto the Thought Wall.  In the Description I use to Define the True Nature of Martial Arts,  'Spiritual'   is the Feature Prominence.   "The Study of Martial Arts is for Spiritual Reinforcement'  .....  so it is that I must define Spiritual as well as "Reinforcement" if Clarity is to be achieved, a Clarity that promotes [an] Understanding that can lead to Apprehension.   

        Merriam and Webster's rendition of 'Spiritual' is woefully inadequate, it took less than a few seconds to realize I'd hafta devise a more penetrative bore into a Mass that 'looks the world' to be Mysterious at best, at worst, Magically Bewildering.  Don't get me rwong, I have tagged myself as an Intellectual Barbarian but that Tag is barely the ha lf of  `it` .  I consider myself an Ausura Bewilder-Beast, whose emotional inclemency generates a profound Hatred for Superficiality and a Devout Cynicism that harbors an Intellectual Nihilism that, when unleashed, savagely Ravages Good-Ness.   Here it is where Truth defies Meaning.

Thursday, October 14, 2021



       I'm gonna leave this here.  I'm barely  ha lf   way though the "Hi-Lo" Split Shift 'Trans-Mission' .  Please Forgive an old man.

        What remains is the Identification of Earthly `Primality` and that of Heavenly `Actuality`.    Body Training is Training in Body WISDOM.  Here, the PHYSICAL Manifestation of RATIONAL (Logical)  Objective Truth, that of the Experience of Form Execution and its resultant Increases in Strength, and Endurance,,  becomes FOUNDATION (Substantiation)  of  Truth as FUNCTIONAL Reality.  

Allow me to present the Body as CONDUIT of ENERGY -- in This Instance -- Universal Energy.  Presently I am `Of The Belief` that a Pure Conduit MAINTAINS Pure Energy and that this Energy Flows THROUGH the Body AND the Mind.  There is and MUST BE the Light of Purity, (That which Marc holds as The Light that illuminates the Path) and this Light ENERGY is subject to Hunger, Weakness, Cowardice and Sloth   ALL  of which can be monitored by Physical and Mental Training which when Applied with Volition can generate a SURETY of Well Being.

"Who could ask for anything more ?"

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

"Sinfully Clean"

         There are iconographic depictions of the Seated Pre-Buddha with a rabid Emaciation that resembles  that of a Starved Jesus Whose ribs are laid bare by a polluted Famine of Soul the One where He HADTA ask, "WTF ???    WHY DID YOU FORSAKE ME ?".   Not Abandonment but Renunciation produced that same Emaciation in the Bless-ed One To Be.   Renouncing the Body to enhance  Penetrative  Samadhi  did  NOT  avail  ANY  Success.  The Buddha-To-Be NEEDED His Body to be Satiated in order to fulfill His Demand-To-Know.  Had I been there, with Sword roped to my back,, I wooda TOLD Him,  for GOD'S SAKE give it the fuck UP.  EAT !!!     Again     Karma is Karma and Fate is Fate.

       Those of Us that Carry Steel recognize the ESSENTIAL of Body Training.  Here it is where Sword Practice becomes an Activity of Ritual PURIFICATION !!!!!!   

        There's a brief line in Pumping Iron which is IDEAL representation of Ritual Purification.  Arnold and his are leaving the Gym, after STUPENDOUS workouts and FLUSH with Oxygenated Euphoria,,, they feel   "SINFULLY Clean"    .  

        How I LOVE that Phrase.


The Principality of Extinction and Non-Extinction

       "Ya feel me ? "   I know you can feel the Heat of  now ancient magma as it flows from my Soul through my Heart.   "IT" is why the BIG Enlightenment is still SEVERAL Lifetimes a-head.  I have resigned myself in THIS Lifetime to Transmit all I have Encountered as Wisdom/TRUTH thereby enabling me to be Reborn in the so-called FERTILE BUDDHA FIELDS-- the Sacred Territories of Temple and Sangha.  I have reminded Youze Gize with forceful iteration ==  I have Issues.  Issues ARE "Attachments" Attachments which Bind one to the Earthly Realm as if Prisoner by Choice.  Yup, that's it rite there.

         I never had the GUTS to turn away from Material Existence and Live as Monk.  It's fucked-uP becuz I DID live in a Zen Temple.  Karma is Karma, Fate is Fate.

   I Should 'hold' NOTHING with regard to True Believers, yet, I turn toward "Dharma PROTECTION" as 'Warrior Soul' Orientation.  

Here it is where i BELIEVE i was BORN to Carry Steel.  So be it.  Who am I to bemoan the Fate Delivered by the Maker of All Things ?????



         Those  of  Us  who   `Carry Steel` have  been  exposed  to  a  Judgement  of   'Subversive Criminality'  by (Religionistic)  Seated Zen Zealots whose apparition-al understanding views the Use of Sword as a Weapon of Heinous VIOLENCE.   This 'understanding' is produced by sheer and utter IGNORANCE at best, at worst,, Predatory DELUSION  I must remind you Kidz,  the Eminent Kung Fu Master Taught,  "The Study of Martial Arts is for Spiritual reinforcement but this reinforcement MANIFESTS as Self-Defense. "  They have deceived themselves by their Condescending and Elitist Belief that Sitting Zen is Superior to Motion Meditation and WORSE,,, that Sword is even a Weapon 'to begin with'.  

I offer what Zen and Sword Master Tesshu supplied , 

 "Swordsmanship should lead to the heart of things where one can directly confront Life and Death." 

Tw o Words to the so-called  Classicists    FUCK YOUZE GUYS !

Mindful Mindlessness

         I'm figurin' it this way :::    Seated Meditation, whose Focus is the Mental Execution of learned      Sword Forms,, `works` in such a Manner as to SUPPLANT 'Thinking', which I have elsewhere tagged as  Disabling  the  Thought  Mechanism,  (a)  that  which  `generates`  thoughts in our   'every-day' MINDLESS 'way'.  The Primary Consideration is FOCUS, since Mental Activity is as natural as Breathing,  Indeed, Thoughts ARE `Mind's Breathing`, at least as far as I can see.  The Sensation of Every-Day Thoughts is experienced as Chaos, Tumult and Turbulence  ==   the Confusion of WTH  fully AMPLIFIED by Emotional (Psychological) Attachments.  The Whole Deal with Meditation (anyway) is the Suspension of Thinking which then promotes a Tranquility (when you get it Right) that itself Re-Stable-izes the Ego-Self in the Manner of Balance, Orientation and Trajectory.   You AINT `gettin to the Upper Realms' by wondering, "What's for breakfast ?"  THAT'S for goddamn SURE .  No and FUCK NO !  The Mind must be 'Tamed' in order to get fucking ANYWHERE, where 'Anywhere' is a Harmonic `Latitude` of Stillness.  I use 'latitude' to image `horizontality` (pronounced hori-zon-tality) that of Ocean Wave Dynamism.  I must save 'Longitude' to depict the Penetrative `Action` of 'Delve' and Introspection.  I'm going for an Aesthetic to enhance VOLUME and Motion that of Mental Activity and its Opposite > Stillness  (Calm).  Remember, BOTH Exist at the EXACT SAME TIME.  

"Quantum" Do Kwang

         Marc rhetoricals,  [from the transitive verb, to ask rhetorical questions]  "What is 'Mind Sword' ? ".   Mind Sword is Seated Meditation whose Focus is the Mental Execution of the Sword Forms that have been committed to Muscle Memory but not yet Mind Memorization.  In Kwan Um Do Kwang, (which Tim gagged as "Quantum Do Kwang") ,,  as in Shim Gum Do  --   Seated Meditation of Sword Forms is HALF the Study Experience of both these Disciplines.  Mind Sword is primarily a Mechanical Operation.  The Objective Goal of Mind Sword is the Suspension of the Thinking Mind, which then produces Mental Clarity, a Clarity that fully sensates Emptiness, which, in turn, `uncloaks` a harmonic 'Oneness'.  This shit don't just `happen` 'over nite'.  Sitting Zen (Doing Mind Sword) is NOT 'natural' to the Western Body OR the Western Mind.  Foreign it is, and systematically Rigorous.  I was Blessed and MOST Fortunate to have learned while residing in a Zen Temple.  As far as Early Morning Excitation was involved with MEEE personally, doing the 108 Full Prostrations and the Chanting that preceded the Sitting was CRUCIAL, since both provided a Release that tamed the Body and Calmed the Mind.

Split ting


        I was "So Excited" I could neither write nor study yesterday mainly because of the nu "swintec 2500".  All I could do was get outdoors.  I unloaded all the stock I got from Tim, put the bunk bed frame together and sort the lumber.  Still, that wasn't enough to dissipate the X-Citement, I couldn't sit still~~ so I loaded the Toyota with the slash that was drying on the patio.  The `Original Plan` for THAT was to process each limb inside the cargo area so I wouldn't hafta sweep and blowup the patio.  Instead, I tucked all of in thereby creating a MOUNTAIN of branches, limbs,, leaves,,, and sticks.  Hideous, to say the least, to say the most, RIDICULOUSLY Ignorant.  When I finish THIS effort I THINK i'm gonna get the 26 inch Dolmar and REDuce the mass so that I can add an appropriate amount of Weight to the feather load onboard now.  

This morning's Effort is `off of` a few days ago, when I resigned myself to describe the Dual Qualities of Motion Meditation and Seated Meditation.  I hadta let that 'sit' for a couple of days because I don't trust myself ENOUGH to figure I'd accomplished my so-called 'private ends'.  Private because the trope I used was Mechanical in Nature==that of the "Hi-Lo" Split Shift of Big Truck Transmissions ; the Mechanism that Splits each Gear into Hi and Lo "Ranges" thereby making 5 Gears  Ten.  It made Perfect sense to MEEEEE but now seems                              Impractical.  We're gonna go with a far more Classical Approach.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

The DaVinci Code The DeSilva Kode

         I'm-gonna leave you to meddle in the middle of this muddle--I gotta hang uP a couple of pieces of Art----------Art is my middle name.  I'm gonna hang myself .   Is this anything ?   I'm so tired of all the crowds I go to the bank--------to be >>  alone << .   Please moan quietly.

        All seriousness aside, I have MORE work to do on this Dream--------why in GOD ZILLA'S Name I wanted to give a concert and do DRUMS when my BEST is SWORD is well beyond this minute's acumen.  Whatever......................

        When you get a chance--revisit Ron Howard's Masterpiece, "The DaVinci Code" but this time listen carefully when the Various Symbols are described and  Explained.  The Author, Brown,  does a religiously MIRACULOUS "job" at depicting the UnConscious Mind as Causal Influence.  DaVinci employed the UnConscious to Cloak his Meaning.  Symbols are fucking RAMPANT bc their Use holds such TREMENDOUS Power.  

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....


         So Important is the name Zildjian and with it the X-PENSE I decided to buy a used 16 inch "Ride".  Drum kit cymbals are of the Ride, Crash and Hi-Hat Variety.  This particular had SERIOUS Age to it but all I wanted was the "Zildjian" letters to feature PROMINENTLY.  It was/IZ Perfectly suited to my Mental Needs. AND of course the "Price Was Right" .

        Because the UNConscious BOLDFACED the name    ZILDJIAN       I KNEW that IT housed or encapsulated the Meaning of  "I need new Symbols".  I went to Google.   Ethnicity first >>  Armenian and Turkish.   Well HELLL-O .   CLEARLY Mediterranean, above the Sahara for sure---Armenia East of Turkey --Turkey at the EASTERN-MOST EDGE of the Med. Sea.  But then there was this AFRICAN Kick.........  Turkey sorta MEANS Ottoman Empire yet in the BEFORE of Before, there was PERSIAN Domination, which makes Armenia and Turkey   >>  Dominions.     I have but ONE text on Persian Mythology it is Persian Mythology by John R. Hinnells ( 2 nn's  2 ll's).  Not good  but not BAD neither.

Remember, the Cambers are like High School cymbals, I had these Cambers bc that's all I could afford.  They did QUITE Well in Those Days, Now they need to be Retired.  The Cambers r-outta West Germany and represent,in THIS Dream, the Rationality and Mythology of the Western Mind.  You can see that Jildjian is  a   `Something` of VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAst Difference.  Here the word 'Eastern carries GREAT Significance as does the Locations of Armenia and Turkey--both once connected by PERSIAN Influence.   I'd been trying to work with Western Images in order to present Marc's Wirk  (He puts the IRK in Wirk).  Lame at best, at worst CRIPPLING.  "A Picture is worth a THOUSAND Words"  Symbols the same, PLUS, Symbols have PSYCHOLOGICAL WEIGHT, Mind Weight, sometimes viewed properly as GRAVITY.

Current See

         I'm gonna race through the Interpretation.  I have something like 40 or so blogs in drafts in a sorta Course assemblage.  In this particular Interpretation I used just Gestalt techniques, a kind- of "Speed Reading" 'operation' that MAY not get to everything but DOES achieve modest depth Understanding.  I spent the better parts of Yesterday in Gestalt Suspension~~~ using the Thought Wall as Mind-Mirror.  Listen kidz this Process, the Operation of Gestalt, is time consuming and CAN be laborious as well.  No matter---if you NEED `Kwik` Results  Gestalt is the Operation to employ.  Just so you know, when you 'do' Gestalt ,,  EVERYTHING IN THE DREAM IS YOU .   That means EVERY SINGLE ITEM.   

        Why naked ?     Reality as the Naked truth.   I em-body-d the Truth, as does a Tibetan Dakini.

        Why Bank ?   To get currency  which in UnConscious Speak is  Current SEE.   

        Why Music Store ?  To buy the cymbals I needed      Here, cymbals MEAN Symbols

     I needed NEW Symbols to help me with expressing Marc's Cloud Speak in READABLE Form.  For instance, I need a Symbol to express "both things at the exact same time".  Here's another :  The INSTANTANEOUS meld of Opposites in the form of "Mutual Interpenetration"--- an example of Buddhist (my) Quantum Mechanics.  George Carlin said it best, "If I don't see'um I make'm up".  Sage - fucking GENIUS Sage.



X Pensive

                                                             Symbol Dream    Part 2 

        Now I'm standing with my back to a main thoroughfare (Taunton Ave Seekonk, Mass.)

        I am stark freaking NAKED.  Oddly I have no worries and NO Cares  Nude aint Lewd.  I have before me, on the right, a Bank, I figure because the Zildjians are SOOOOOO x-pensive I need a bank loan for their purchase.  I walk into the bank, naked as a J-Bird, and look around, no one is at their desks  ,,,,  maybe I don't need a loan after all.  I exit.

       On the left is a Music Store, despite being RAW NAKED I enter to see nothing but table after table of albums.  WTF ?  Where are the Instruments???   No Cymbals either.  Even if they DID have cymbals how was I to pay ?   Fucked-uP gets it Rite.




Reign Delay

         On the night of October 4th I had a Dream ~~  I'm-gonna title it The Drum Solo Cymbal Dream.

                                                                          Part 1

  It was early afternoon after a heavy downpour, I was playing Music in Concert fashion, apparently I was giving a Concert for all my neighbors---sorta a "block party" thing.  I was lookin to get my drum kit ready for a solo the neighbors expected, problem was, my ancient Camber cymbals were bangedup, dull, bent and SERIOUSLY damaged.  One was curled at the edge from being dropped.  Thing is I NEEDED those cymbals for my solo.  I found my hi-hats--they weren't far from being utterly useless and I had only one drum stick--a "Jo-Jo" 5B.   Kwik search, found the 2nd saturated by `left-outdoors` stupidity and laziness.  There wouldn't be a solo because I needed new cymbals and as this thought registered so did the name Zildjian, the HIGHEST END Brand in the Universe.  Costly doesn't approach it--Unimaginable does.

        When I awoke I KNEW EXACTLY what the Dream Meant ::  I NEEDED NEW SYMBOLS

        The Book had to have NEW Symbols, Space Age Hieroglyphs if necessary, ALIEN Symbols if 'Need' make it BE.  

Monday, October 4, 2021

Marble Plain Plane


        I awoke from a dream in which I and 2 helpers were doing a RR Tie job, but a few of the ties were "punked-out", rotten that is, and so had to be cleaned.  It was a fairly straight-forward operation except for the questions asked by my assistants.  Once I'd set them to task I found myself at a MEGA-Wall about halfway up, in a rock scaling "Free Climb".  I got to the Edge and there was a GIANT'S SLAB at my left shoulder.  For reason "Whatever" I somehow managed to topple it backward onto the shelf.  As it fell I realized I could be crushed from its bounce. I didn't get crushed, just wedged.  I looked out,  it was a Polished Marble Plain---absolutely EXQUISITE.  I had to descend and further realized that IT would be TORTUOUSLY Dangerous.  No options.....  I had to foot-feel my way  Down---  As I did so, hand-holds appeared before me.

        The Upper Realm was CLEANLY Magnificent BUT it was fucking IMPOSSIBLE to remain there.  I had to descend in order to Present Its Beauty to Others.  My UnConscious supplied "Don't Worry---as you descend Knowledge and Form will appear to Aid you".

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Con Fusion

         I face Jungle Clusterfuck WITHOUT  Chainsaw & Chipper,  armed with just 2 "Brush Axes" from the Days of Paul Bunyan and his blue ox Babe.  I MAY have well over ONE HUNDRED Texts on Taoism, and Buddhism, not to mention Dr. Carl Jung's Princeton-Bollingen Series, as well as Dr. Joseph Campbell's Mythological Works.  `Daunt` I say   and dare I shout        `WHELM`   ?????    I do.

       Modern Day Land Clearing aint-gonna "Cut it"    nor is Robert Pirsig's  Zen and..... .

       Nope.  Neither one.  There's gotta-be a Somethin else.

        But what ?

        Plus,    "Marc aint from `Around Here` "  -----  I mean     there's THAT.


Emptiful Limit-Ness

         Each ex-PLOSIONS was producing Concussive Force---not only that,,  but Lightning was striking each eyeball---I SWEAR I could smell both Retinas burning.  As this This was Bomb-Ming me into an Eternity of  "Just Now" Infamy --I heard That Voice, the One of "Ya got some PLAN do ya ?" ~~~ he was snarling, "Anybody SHOOTIN at ya ?"  No.  No one was shooting at me.  I fought to catch my breath.

        There's a Scene in "Limitless" which accurately depicts a 'Condition' in which the `ALL` of Received Information, that of Education, Socialization and Personal Research is "made available" to the Conscious Mind, NOT as "helter-skelter" Clusterfuck Gibberish, but as the Sophisticated Refinement of A-B-C 1-2-3 ORDER in the same vein as the Dewey Decimal System WITHOUT its MASSIVE Cumbersome Totality.  It is said that the now Famous Teslar had Such Access to this Realm of Universal Information [Data Stream] Authority.  Generally this Access is DENIED the Un-Initiated, it is kept Hidden by a Cloak of Intellectual Invisibility because of BECAUSE.  I gotta tell yaz,  I HATE that 'BECAUSE'.  The Book could LITERALLY "Write itself" had I  Access to this Invisible Realm.  

Truth be told, NO FUCKING WAY.  Therefore I suffer and I Suffer Greatly ---  But  as the Old Senex spat,  "Aint nobody shootin at ya".  Mercy >>>>>>>>>>>>   I'll take it  and BOW in Gratitude.


Welcome to Jungle Clusterfuck

         Amidst the spittle and ripped-put flecks of stomach lining there were images of Topics Under Consideration, among them, `The Zen of  Modern Day Land Clearing`.  I needed a Trope that would `act` as Plot Thread, a Something around which a Narrative could be woven in a far-fetched Similarity to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle, Pirsig's Masterpiece of Meta-Physics.  As my stomach and esophagus self-shredded I wondered about the efficacy of such an esoteric paradigm.  I mean I'm 'good', as in, "At-least-he's- Mastered-All-Aspects-of-Modern-Day-Land-Clearing", but was I really THAT 'Good' ?  

Prahblee not.


Cell Block : Heaven


I got awakened by my G.I.R.D. around midnight ---VIOLENT Paroxysms, a THUNDERSTORM of body wrecking, mind bending, ex-PLOSIONS.  As I keel-ed over the Porcelain Princess in Death Submission there was Intellectual Activity occurring, as if in some sort of Harbor Sanctuary.  As I retched out the first mile of Small Intestine the title of this blog was spelled put.  I was under a SPELL alrite, a Spell that shoulda-been >> SpHELL.  This was NOT anything new.  Despite such SEVERE Duress --  my MIND was Clear enough to receive, in Lucid Faculty,, Info and Data from the Supreme Broad-Caster.  Not even "WTF" approaches this Condition of Calm Reflexivity.  

Cell Block :  Heaven        WTF was THAT   "All About"  ?

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Secret Teachings

         The Bodhisattva Manjusri is iconographically depicted holding in one hand a Flaming Sword and in the other the Prajanaparamita.  "These Attributes stand for the Wisdom embodied by Manjusri which dispels the darkness of ignorance."  Indeed, His Sword is said to be the Wisdom Sword.  You can see how and WHY both Marc and I have Devoted ourselves to Him.  We're Sword's Men >>  Wisdom Mongers each.

        I spent the last 2 days reading   The Wisdom of Manjusri    Teachings by the Early Dzogchen Masters on the Tantra, "Possessing the Qualities of Manjusri"  .   Maybe today I will begin  The Bodhisattva Warriors   The Inner Philosophy, History and Symbolism of the Buddhist Martial Art Within India and China   by Shifu Nagaboshi Tomio  (Terence Dukes).  This is a MAMMOTH Text--485 Pages.  I can't wait.

        Beyond this, Manjusri's Innermost Secret and The Nectar of Manjushri's Speech await in Silent Beckoning.  These were once SECRET TEACHINGS.  Blessedly,,, both are now among us mere mortals.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

"All Beings before me"

         Perceiving World Sound is that which is accorded to Kwan Seum Bosal "He who hears the Suffering of the World".  Kwan Seum Bosal is Korean >>for Avalokiteshvara<< Who is the Preeminent AWESOME in Mahayana Buddhism for He has chosen NOT to Enter Nirvana until ALL Beings Enter before Him.  His Devotion can be delivered in just FOUR Words, "All Beings before me."  Sit a moment and let that Enter your Being.

A Bodhisattva is like a Christian Saint---------------------sorta.  Kwan Seum Bosal is Revered and Venerated for His Loving Compassion, His singular DEVOTION to the Spiritual Well Being of ALL OTHERS.  I am gonna tag this 'Devotion to the Spiritual Well Being of Others' with COMPASSION:  since this Compassion is Manifested as AUDITORY EMPATHY, and to achieve this Identical is to be ONE with Kwan Seum Bosal, 'Perceiving Sound' can now be seen (heard) as THE Identifying Characteristic of "Kwan Um".  Perceiving the Sound of Others' [Suffering] LEADS to becoming ONE with Them and Their Suffering.  At THIS JUNCTURE there is an Abandonment of Self AND Ego which then allows for [or Promotes] the Advance Toward Enlightenment.  Check it >>  Perceive Sound BE Enlightened.  I mean, like, OUCH .



Hoopla Perplexic

        One of  The Ten Super-Powers Of The Bodhisattva  is, "[Being capable of] Employing all Vehicles but never abandoning the Mahayana".  Besides Zen, the Mahayana supplies The Path of the Bodhisattva as a Vehicle to attain Enlightenment.  It is COMPASSION which Defines this Path.  I gotta be Honest, I'm NOT a Fan.  I carry Steel.  You can see the Problem.  I have maintained what I tag, 'Samurai Arrogance' since my Beginning Study of Sword.  Believe it or don't, SWIMMING is considered a Martial Art.  Anyone see THAT coming ?  I sure didn't.  I swam D-1 for U. Conn.  My Backstroke Times were in the Highest National Percentage.  You want Arrogance ??  I got your Arrogance RITE HERE.    But I digress.

         Master Fortin, in his Manual For KUDK Instructors, under the Topic, "What is Kwan Um Do Kwang ?" ,,  issues this irritating [to me] Perplexity,,, "Perceiving Sound is Compassion".   I don't know about YOU but this sure reads as WTF Hoopla.  I checked other locations of "Perceive Sound" mainly because Zen Master Seung Sahn Founded the Kwan Um School of Zen, rite here in Providence Rhode Island.  He modified Perceive Sound to Perceive WORLD Sound but when I got to the explanation of THAT I was once again peevishly irritated by the words of Some One who had somehow been infected by Master Fortin's Hoopla Perpelexic.   How in the fuck do you get from Perceiving Sound to Perceiving World Sound is Compassion ????  "Inquiring minds want to know".


Low-slung Peter-Power

      The tractor set to pull is a sand-cream low-rider, almost Volvo style, but with a Peter-Built Power Plant.  For those of you NOT 'in the know' a "Pete" is the most expansive Tractor money can by, the so-called Rolls Royce of Tractors, Kenworth, being a shade below it.  It's not like my Tractor had the plush of "Rolled and Pleated", it certainly had "amenities", those 'things' required for the L---o---n---g Haul, but the Primary Factor was POWER--- the Power of  Steady  >>80 Mile Per Hour<< EASE.  Operators want the Kind of Power that ISN'T effected by minor grade changes----you DON'T wanna go from 80 to forty with all the required downshifts, because THAT is arduously awkward and DANGEROUS as well.  What they're lookin for is FULL Power with MINIMAL Strain.  "Pete" supplies that.  

      I was headed to New York, New York CITY that is, I'm Guessing the Load was all my Work ready to be given to a Publishing House where it would be 'turned into' Books.  

     My UnConscious issued an IMMEDIATE  course correction     it was RWONG to 'begin' by going SDRAWKCAB  .   The kid on the bike was ME oblivious to the OBVIOUS.

Fan Belt

     Somewhere in the Tao Te Ching Master Lao Tzu stipulated, "The Sage does not dream".  OBVIOUSLY, I'm no Sage, I never claimed I was, I told you Kids I was TRYING to develop my Sage Qualities.  The Effort is ongoing >>>>>>>> .  

       The Sage does not dream because his Enlightenment has unified his Un-Conscious with his Conscious--therefore, he does not NEED to dream, since Outer IS Inner and Inner IS Outer, meaning, The Necessity for Dream Activity, the UnConscious' Function to re-establish Psychic Balance, is unwarranted.  This THIS is one of the ancillary benefits of "Becoming One--Infinite Time, Infinite Space".  

       In the RR Dream, the RR is an Elegant and Sophisticated "Vehicle" where 'Vehicle' is a Designation Buddhism employs to describe that which is used to travel on the Road To Enlightenment.  Maha=Great  Yana=Vehicle.  Presently, the Vehicle I employ is CLEARLY "Old School" the Traditional Vehicle, with Manjusric Orientation, the One of Mahayana, hence Rolls Royce>> which is generally believed to be the Ultimate in Old School `Auto-Motives`.  I gottta believe that Master Fortin is the Buddhist Benefactor since he has 'ready access' to Wealth, both Physical and Spiritual.

"You too can drive the BIG Rigs"

       The Other Morning I awoke from a dream in which I was Given a 1926 Rolls Royce by a Buddhist Benefactor, who, I imagined, had my best Interest in hand.  I shut it down to admire it and Thank him.  I flipped up the engine cowling to admire the Motor but when I went to re-fire ^^^ the fan belt shredded in several puffs of dry-rot explosions.  I'd hafta change it, IFF I wanted to run it.  Aint nothin for nothin.

      Yesterday, I awoke from a dream in which I had to drive a semi---a 53 footer---to New York.  X fellow workers were nearby---~~~they had expressed some rue, much to my delight.  I climbed up and proceeded to try and back up, but the trailer jacked into the woods.  I looked up and saw an Expanse, I could drive FORWARD and U-Turn with GENTLE  Ease.  I chided myself for not being more Aware.  The `story` of my life.  On the way to the SUPER-Highway a kid on a bicycle, oblivious to the MONSTER-MASS of this "BIG RIG", had to slide under the trailer to avoid SERIOUS Calamity.  I snickered--I figured the cops would stop me for leaving the scene--I continued on anyway----fuck that kid.

      I found myself in the squad room, the kid still whining and crying--but now even the cops had had enough of this cry baby--------------------that's how it ended.