Monday, October 4, 2021

Cell Block : Heaven


I got awakened by my G.I.R.D. around midnight ---VIOLENT Paroxysms, a THUNDERSTORM of body wrecking, mind bending, ex-PLOSIONS.  As I keel-ed over the Porcelain Princess in Death Submission there was Intellectual Activity occurring, as if in some sort of Harbor Sanctuary.  As I retched out the first mile of Small Intestine the title of this blog was spelled put.  I was under a SPELL alrite, a Spell that shoulda-been >> SpHELL.  This was NOT anything new.  Despite such SEVERE Duress --  my MIND was Clear enough to receive, in Lucid Faculty,, Info and Data from the Supreme Broad-Caster.  Not even "WTF" approaches this Condition of Calm Reflexivity.  

Cell Block :  Heaven        WTF was THAT   "All About"  ?

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