Monday, October 18, 2021

Quantum Bosal

      I've yet to erase, `...animating Force of Universal Existence` from the upper left of the Thought Wall.  

I attached 'Energy' to "Breath of Life" to see how that looked, thereby making Force >  Energy.  It actually DID look promising.  We are heralded to "The FORCE of Nature".  Spirit as THE "Force of Nature" but where 'Nature' is held to be the Totality of Universal POWER, that of Life and Death and all that exists In Between.  The Ancient Chinese and us Modern Ancients adhere to Lao Tzu's   TAO   as THE ESSENTIAL PRIMARY of Universal Motion, the so-called    "Un-Moved Mover"  .   However, 'energy' itself becomes "a  Shadow  in  the  Dark"  in  SPITE  of  its characteristic   `luminescence`.   Quantum Mechanics has identified  "Dark Matter" as that which binds ALL atomic and sub-atomic activity (The Universe of ALL Phenomena).  You can see the Problem.  Shit  a ROCKET SCIENTIST can see the Problem.  I'm no Rocket Scientist but I PLAY a Quantum Mechanics Physicist in my head.  I call THIS self  Quantum Bosal.

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