Thursday, October 14, 2021

"Sinfully Clean"

         There are iconographic depictions of the Seated Pre-Buddha with a rabid Emaciation that resembles  that of a Starved Jesus Whose ribs are laid bare by a polluted Famine of Soul the One where He HADTA ask, "WTF ???    WHY DID YOU FORSAKE ME ?".   Not Abandonment but Renunciation produced that same Emaciation in the Bless-ed One To Be.   Renouncing the Body to enhance  Penetrative  Samadhi  did  NOT  avail  ANY  Success.  The Buddha-To-Be NEEDED His Body to be Satiated in order to fulfill His Demand-To-Know.  Had I been there, with Sword roped to my back,, I wooda TOLD Him,  for GOD'S SAKE give it the fuck UP.  EAT !!!     Again     Karma is Karma and Fate is Fate.

       Those of Us that Carry Steel recognize the ESSENTIAL of Body Training.  Here it is where Sword Practice becomes an Activity of Ritual PURIFICATION !!!!!!   

        There's a brief line in Pumping Iron which is IDEAL representation of Ritual Purification.  Arnold and his are leaving the Gym, after STUPENDOUS workouts and FLUSH with Oxygenated Euphoria,,, they feel   "SINFULLY Clean"    .  

        How I LOVE that Phrase.


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