Friday, October 29, 2021


         It is imperative for OUR Understanding to observe the true Nature of Tommy's Inner World.  In schizophrenic conclusion Tommy says of himself, "Ten years old/With thoughts as bold as thoughts can be/Loving Life and becoming wise/In simplicity".  Tommy then affirms, "Sickness will surely take the mind/Where minds don't usually go./Come on the amazing journed/And learn all you should know."

        Tommy sits inside the Realm of Catatonic Samadhi, "holding" onto a Belief that Life itself will supply Wisdom and his Faith becomes manifested in Psychological Reality when "All at once a tall stranger I suddenly see."  This "Stranger" is Tommy's True Self, a Wisdom Master recognized because of his "Golden Beard" which "...flows/Nearly down to the ground".  Total Recognition idntifies him as "...he is your leader/And he is your guide"  the substantive Forecast of Tommy's Elevation to Pin Ball MASTER and Teacher of  Deaf, Dumb and Blind Simplicity.

        But there is "trouble in Paradise".  Tommy ISN'T "Done", far from it.

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