Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Buddha's Last Words

        At this point in the `Endeavor` I've resigned myself to at least ATTEMPT an Effort to use my present Condition as Valuated Salvation, and I do so because of Buddha's Last Words with which He answered a frantic Monk's "What will we DO once You have Left us ?"  with  "Each one of you must find your own Salvation."  With THAT    He was GONE.

        Salvation, here, can be identified as a MENTAL Location of Security which I have elsewhere tagged as Surety.  Here it is where this Location is marked by Sanctity.  This "IT" is Affirmation of "All Life is Sacred" INCLUDING One's Own.  This ~Here~ is not without the predatory afflictions of Old Age, Sickness, and the Rest of the 12 Sufferings.  BUT, within this Realm lies the PROMISE of  a `Wellness` that ACCEPTS these Sufferings by tagging them as NOBLE.   Suffering is the LOT of the Human Condition, we are ` Born to Die`  as surely as grass is green and a cloudless sky   blue.  


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