Thursday, October 14, 2021



       I'm gonna leave this here.  I'm barely  ha lf   way though the "Hi-Lo" Split Shift 'Trans-Mission' .  Please Forgive an old man.

        What remains is the Identification of Earthly `Primality` and that of Heavenly `Actuality`.    Body Training is Training in Body WISDOM.  Here, the PHYSICAL Manifestation of RATIONAL (Logical)  Objective Truth, that of the Experience of Form Execution and its resultant Increases in Strength, and Endurance,,  becomes FOUNDATION (Substantiation)  of  Truth as FUNCTIONAL Reality.  

Allow me to present the Body as CONDUIT of ENERGY -- in This Instance -- Universal Energy.  Presently I am `Of The Belief` that a Pure Conduit MAINTAINS Pure Energy and that this Energy Flows THROUGH the Body AND the Mind.  There is and MUST BE the Light of Purity, (That which Marc holds as The Light that illuminates the Path) and this Light ENERGY is subject to Hunger, Weakness, Cowardice and Sloth   ALL  of which can be monitored by Physical and Mental Training which when Applied with Volition can generate a SURETY of Well Being.

"Who could ask for anything more ?"

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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